To My Muse

My muse becomes my poem
My poem becomes love-
A rainbow hugging the sky..

In the silence in my mind--
The poetry of your voice
Stirring the fire within.

I walk towards you
Holding the shape of my words-
My breath opens with your name.

The sound of syllables falling
In my heart and on my lips;
Even the things
I cannot say
Breathing into love..

104 thoughts on “To My Muse

    1. Thank you sweet Maggi. Live is a beautiful wonderful thing. My idea of love is almost utopian. I guess that’s because I think love should be the perfect pristine emotion.
      I love your comment 🤗❤️love your thoughts on this sister soul 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 😊. She’s doing good, she’s been very busy prepping her students for exams and she’s getting a book together. I’ll give her your love🌹🌹


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