Intellectual, Aesthetic

I just couldn’t help myself . I had to post this poetic repartee. I took the liberty of posting your comments, Cogito E Sum. I hope you don’t mind . It’s all in the spirit of poetic fellowship. Thank you kindly for sharing your ingenuity..

winter sunlight:
your smile warmer
than the morning sun…

Cogito E Sum
Sun-bright light
smiling sidelong glance
winter warms

last night’s dream
still in my eyes
winter stars in my coffee

Cogito E Sum
Dream poem
eyes morning coffee
winter stars

seeing stars in daylight

Cogito E Sum
daylight stars
matinee music
midnight dream

eyes sparkle
Cupid’s melody
midnight rendezvous

Cogito E Sum
winter sun
shining at midnight
bright moonlighted

midnight sun
incandescent hearts
moonlighting twinkle toes

Cogito E Sum
transcending daydreams

wordsmiths whisper
their beautiful dreams

Cogito E Sum
winter’s starlit dreams
starry nights

the murmur of heartbeats
in winter’s starry skies

Cogito E Sum
goodnight sighs
pillowing sweet dreams
starry eyes

dreams delight
fanciful flight
slumber right

Cogito E Sum
dreams awake
as winter sunlight

awake and dreaming
golden sunbeams
caress eyelids

Cogito E Sum
languid eyelids
caress limpid eyes
starlit gleam

tortured senses
eyes aflame

Cogito E Sum
licks of flame
like winter sunlight
soothing eye

burning warm
soothing comforting

Cogito E Sum
I’m still in bed
it might sound dumb
pretending to be dead
in cognito
my eyes are shut
finito benito

In bed , playing hooky
cus you’re a lazy cookie
Enough of shy eye
bed, blanket
and you
what a crowd !

Cogito E Sum
Autumn light
Warming her bright smile
Winter waits

Fall ambience
Warmth of a fire
Winter wishes

Cogito E Sum
Fall painting
orange sunshine

Tangerine air
scents of scrunching leaves

Cogito E Sum


Cogito E Sum


a shout out to all poets .. feel free to add ..

A Stink Bomb

Once upon a time, there lived a bomb 
Walking around, he found himself near a tomb
He said, no way, I ain’t going to burst on dead people
Nor to the living would I do something so lethal
I rather take the people who made me, to the courtroom.

So the bomb came to me, shy and overworked
He says, I was made but I don’t want to burst
He was sad that man did things that were so cursed
He would rather go and sink himself in a cloudburst
I went running for my life, he was a stink bomb that dispersed.

A Honeydew Gloaming

Birds whistle goodbye tunes
For sleep demands submission
Light lingers, fades
A honeydew dusk
Hinting a purplish hammock
That cradles the stars
As clouds sway with unborn tears
Earth below thirsts

Waking moon quivers
In her flight across a black brocade
Taking a vow to shine the night
Fireflies spark a velvety horizon
Nuzzling a honeydew dusk.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool?
No sir, no sir
I used up my wool
To make a coat
For the wall-street bull

The shearer was mad as hell
Hell’s bells.. what about the clientele
You , little sheep, you
Pulled the wool over my eyes
you wait and watch
How I am going to cut you down to size
I am going to bell you like a cat
And fleece you in your habitat

You will be shorn
Till you are worn .


Like a sapphire glow that 
died light years ago
Its transience staining breath
Left to languish as memory.

when hearts bleed blue in
interludes of time, space
Enduring the ache
Of dreams that come unbidden
cruising a slumber’s cadence.

Flaming the yearning
Awakening the subconscious
Devotion rousing
An instinctive remembrance
Like star-shine draping night’s curve

Becoming the eloquence
Elixir on breaths that weave words
That were left unsaid.

Revisiting Old Posts

Sometimes when my brain refuses to comply , I simply cannot write.. then I go back and try to inspire myself through old posts..

lol I will be like cheating but I do change the title and edit the posts a bit ..

So I did that with ‘Losing myself ‘ it was ‘I lose myself ‘ when I wrote it way back in 2017 ..made a few changes and viola ..

‘Your midnight blue eyes’ became ‘His midnight blue eyes’ that was 2017 too .. I think I did write my best poetry back then. Feel burned out now ..

Is it normal to feel that one cannot write anymore. That would break my heart because poetry is my everything..

When A Mosquito Sings In My Ear

When a mosquito sings in my ear 
I know that I have much to fear
He wants to get close, he wants to be near
He is all poised with his stinging gear
My skin feels the prick as he plants his spear
There’s blood on his tongue as he swoons satiated
on my skin I feel the itch that can never be abated
Spasms of fever wrack my frame as the toxins invade my body
my temples flame, eyes burn as I shiver into my blanket
Temperatures skyrocket the thermometer’s Fahrenheit
Shaking fingers call the doctor
Doctor listens and falls off his rocker
I swallow hard and see stars in daytime
I wonder what hit me .. a blood stealing little fella of a bandit in a summertime crime.