
I am a child of the earth
Raised by the stars in the sky
Tended by the moon as I sleep
Scars of the world clothe me
Her wounds rich in history.

I am bathed by the tears of the clouds
When it rains, the wind howls-in my ears
When I cry-the earth soaks up my tears
A piece of my soul
Turning to dust;
And like dust, I rise
A storm of stardust
On moonstruck madness..

The sky calls out my name at dawn
Sparking the sun on my breast..

I am a child of the earth
The darkness and the light
The truth, the lie
Sorrow and joy
It's all there in the
Pen that I wield.

#free verse

216 thoughts on “Moonchild

  1. Reblogged this on Commentary, Outrages, Prose and Poetry and commented:
    And this time I got the sub-blog correct: those who know only Commentary, Outrages, Poetry and Prose deserve to meet this wondrous artist whose words whorl wrapping and unwrapping becomes yet another half-faced look at ourselves across a quarter-million thirty-minute strolls through a moon’s passage to her guilded suitor sun. I have sleeptroubles enow being both morn- and eve-person with so many tied strings saying “what-about-us? The noons and mids compete like periwinkles at the tides, filled with fraught over soups or perhaps a tern’s quick beak and you help me make a vow to live forever each instant come-and-never-gone until one day I am and am not at once.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Pretty. My suspicion is that most poetry represents a longing. A longing for the sort of things you write about and the feelings those things can bring. Sun, rain, moon, beauty. Reality has a way of intruding and poetry and writing can, in some senses, allow us to escape from the harshness of daily life in our very imperfect society on our very damaged and abused planet. In a sense then, what we write represents not necessarily what we actually feel or experience but what we wish for, what we long for. Or at least that is how I view my own writing.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Wow yassy this is beautiful ❤️ Am lost with you in the cosmos with these amazing words. Thanks for sharing more of the beauty that’s of your soul ❤️😊🌹

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Great poem.
    I read your work n am like “Damn, i have a long way to go with my poetry”
    All the same, i love this, made me wonder off in thought and imagination.

    Liked by 6 people

  5. Yassy! I so appreciate your writings as you are truly gifted poet. Your willingness to show us your vulnerable side is a beautiful lesson for many of us who feel imprisoned by our thoughts. In my own experience, when I have shown my vulnerable side it is a far more raw and creative experience and I feel that I make more of a connection with readers when doing so.
    Thank you! So much

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Words can make us dream. The moon often make us dream. Yet, even better: words can make us feeel ourselves. Words have the power to make us be true. Your words are able to do so. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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