Knock It Off, Alien.

An alien came knocking on earth's door. Or so she thought. Mother Earth thought not to open...Earth was closed to strangers now. Not only strangers but strange and foreign things only withstanding Kubrick's Doctor Strangelove.There had been enough contamination and pollution of all natural resourses. Purity was depleted on all levels. And earth definitely could not take another beating.
Earth needed a breather......
The knocking continued. Mother Earth decided to open the door. But her sense of foreboding forbade her from doing so and she decided to see who it was who had come calling. She never liked turning anyone away but times were so bad now, she'd rather see her visitor before letting them in. She put her eye to the peephole in earth's door, she could see no one..she started to  turn away when there was another knock. She took a peek again, still no sight of anything or anyone, just miles and miles of space...

And then she saw a spark that faded gradually, it was a shooting star......catching her breath quickly, she made a wish...she made a wish for her earthlings...that the planet would become clean and green again. She wished for peace and prosperity ...for all posterity.
Hoping that we as a human race would last that long...

April night--
Somewhere in the darkness
A shooting star falls;
Cereus blooms become 
Syllables in the night's silence:
The sepia of free falling metaphors..
The horizon becomes my Milky Way...

I finally feel like the poet in poetry....

90 thoughts on “Knock It Off, Alien.

  1. Do not let the common doubts we have as writers make you question your talent, skill, and beauty with the written word. You are an exceptional poet! More importantly you are a generous, genuine, and caring person. I loved this poem, but I have yet to find something you have written that I don’t enjoy. Take care and stay safe! ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very good with the written word , Brad. I admire your work immensely. Everybody I follow here inspires me in some way.
      Thank you very much for your warm gesture of encouragement and appreciation..
      you stay safe and take good care of yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m afraid I’ll sink,

      So I always dread swimming,

      But I yearn to feel the waves brushing against my face,

      The feeling of ecstasy as the tides carry me along,

      I know I’ll gasp for breath at a point,

      My arms will get tired of stroking the water,

      I’ll be cut by unknown objects in the sea,

      But this yearningΒ 

      grows on regardless,
      Maybe I’m not meant to swim,

      Maybe I’m not meant to endure these pains,

      Maybe I’m not meant to get tired whiles struggling,

      Maybe I’m meant to walk proudly on the sea,

      To triumph once and for all,

      And not after several desperate tries,

      Maybe I’m meant to be the phoenix that never dies,

      The one that lives in the perpetual glory of immortality,

      The phoenix that was always risen.

      Kindly check it out for me

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. This is absolutely poignant and visceral. Your words are entwined with such stunning imagery of the cosmos. Just wow! Another amazing piece. πŸ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Gosh, Yassy. I love this so very much! This is one of the truly sweetest poems ever. Read it a couple of times. My heart is smiling so big. I’m so happy You feel like the poet in poetry again! I didn’t realize that had escaped You for a bit….I never would have known….You and poetry seem as one beautiful fibre to me in this crazy/wonderful tapestry of life. Sending HUGE hugs Your way! Thank You!!! πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ˜Š

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much for your heart warming thoughts , Kate. Sending warm warm hugs and lots of smiles and laughter. Thank you for cheering me up. Bless you bless you β€οΈπŸ€—

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heartfelt hugs coming right back at You!!! I think we are all sending so many HUGE hugs round the world that the airplanes are going to have a very tough time landing!!! πŸ˜…πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—β€οΈ!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You should write a verse after this epic , heart warming comment that spilled from your generous heart.
        Sending a plane ✈️ load of hugs. Knock knock, courier on the way .. just for you my sweet kind one.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ah! MOST wonderful! I excitedly wait its arrival! We cleared a tiny landing strip in the meadow behind our house…..πŸ˜ƒThanks for starting my day so joyfully, Beautiful Yassy!!! πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ˜Š

        Liked by 1 person

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