First Blush

Sun flares into the sapphire
My canvas rushes to capture
Birds flying through wands of gold, grey
Language of rainbow wings
Strength in wild of day
Divine comes through 
Sun warms aura of my consciousness
Adorning wisdom in my heart
I bleed in this odyssey
Where tears turn to diamonds
A jeweled promise
Like a timepiece
Holding the 


98 thoughts on “First Blush

    1. I am happy you read my work. It’s a great feeling of inspiration and love..I am sure the birds are happy singing to you Margaret. And the flowers must be enjoying your presence. You , indeed are a true gift of friendship.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 😂 lol! Ok, I’ll take those cherries and grapes you have up there but I am one of those weirdos who doesn’t like avocados. Have you ever heard of someone not liking avocado? Lol! 😂

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