
When a sentient wind hums paeans
Enthralling, enkindling nature's swayin'
Tinging, etching, time's rhythm
Lustrous colors drip lissome
Phoebus embrace flushed with hints of jasmine
Sol paints aurum, cooling mist glowin'
Gold encrusted words on a lightened breeze
As old as the oceans and the seas
Haunting the pages of destiny
Paeans strung on a wind's journey
Poetry of a soft summer breeze
Murmuring on landscape's chemise
Shadows prance as clouds garland skies
On succulent blooms blazing butterflies
Dawn's mulberry air carries substance and soul
Sun's flame warms basil, mint, knoll
The day with go on with her impassioned rite
Dawn to dusk and to night's onyx light.

57 thoughts on “Aubade

      1. Ms. Yassy, where did you get the word “hon”? It’s almost the official form of address in Baltimore, my hometown. There’s even a Cafe Hon.

        Of course, Baltimore didn’t invent it, and you could have hit upon it all by yourself. It just jumped out at me.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love this, Yas. “Landscape’s chemise;” “On succulent blooms blazing butterflies;” and “Dawn’s mulberry air carries substance and soul;” and the final two lines — especially “Dawn to dusk and to night’s onyx light.” Wow. And Pow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You made poetry out of these lines, Rach! I love your comment. Woohoo. Thank you ! I feel the effort I made with this poem is worth so much more after your wonderful appreciation ! Thank you so much , my dear Rach!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gotta add this to my Yassy-faves. This one was really stupendous. You really made me smile with your appreciation. This mulberry air I’m actually visualizing, and it is just totally seeping in. And, wow… as it progresses into the night … Man. It gives me an intoxicating feeling as it permeates. Lately, I’ve been smelling the night-blooming flowers giving off their scents. What types of fragrance they are, I’m not sure, as I don’t even see any flowerings around where I sleep. But, I smell them. Oh, man. It’s great. It’s like Israel.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yassy, as one of my favourite followers I would like you to do me a big favour (if you have the time).
    Could you review Read After Burnout .com the ebook? You can find it on Amazon. Mike Evans


    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m trying to write a reply, but rhymes keep getting in the way. You’re such an inspiration!!! Me, too. If I write a poem about this, it’s your fault – hahahhahahha…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I didn’t write it down fast enough. So it kindof went away. I’ve been busy reading blogs, when I really should be looking for a job! Ha! How’s that? There’s a rhyme. That’s great, huh…?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a natural with rhymes. Comes easy to you. I lose my lines , so to not lose them, I put them down in my notes section of phone , easier , if there is no pen paper nearby. So save your poetry for us , Rach !!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was thinking last night of all the hard work you do to make your poetry a shining example to learn the different styles and come out with dazzlers. Your focus is really admirable. My phone takes so long to load, the distractions make me lose my thoughts, so notes probably wouldn’t work for me.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay , yes , but you have to write it down , whatever is convenient to you , Rach! Words are so precious , my dear . You simply can’t lose them or forget them. So please !

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderful words yassy which capture the sense of morning and how its beauty draws us. Have you read Philip Larkin’s Aubade? One of my favourite poems and described as the almost perfect poem.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Again, on any longer pieces I know I’m going to get treated to some kind of new use subtle or not so subtle
    of color.

    I particularly like the last line…

    “Dawn to dusk and to night’s onyx light”

    With the strong color usage.

    I’ve only started writing to my humor blog again recently.
    Believe it or not I really just been writing poetry the last year.
    That blog is listed in the about section.
    Not on your level, but check it out if you get a chance.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Jasmine.

    (You note I prefer to call you “Jasmine”… it’s such a pretty name.)

    Forrest ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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