
Poetry talks to me in the indigo stillness of a warm summer night.
Chasing word games in my mind, under a sky full of stars...who walk 
me..firing the glow in my eyes...timeless...ageless
Fireflies glimmer
Across the turnstile..
Scent of incense
Like the soul of the night,a jeweled zephyr trails the quietude..
Argent misted, transcending dark..embellishing shadows dancing like
wraiths in the languid tawny gloom.
Moonlight thoughts
Clouds airbrush 
the moon.
The stridulation of crickets and hoo-hoo-hoooo of owls fill the 
nocturnal space like pantomimic gestures of vocalists.
My breath revels in scents of silver crested blossoms..
I feel the sketch of eternity in time's evanescence..
I listen....


88 thoughts on “Chiaroscuro

      1. Ohh i dont know, i read the first two lines directly from the excerpt displayed on my news feed,i fell in love with your metaphors and decided to read it in detail.As i delved into the post,realised that few words were missing..but if nobody else has experienced it,maybe it is my device that is facing a fault

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Haha yes,but alas it works only for spam contacts and no worries, I read the poem from your website,all thanks to Google and I love it!:) could be one of my most favourite ones.. thank you for crafting such a beautiful piece

        Liked by 2 people

      1. You really do have a worldly innocence about your poems. I adore them. I have been a tad unwell of late, yet in recovery soft words heal. Yours are soft words. Thank you for posting.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh! I hope you feel better now . I think I missed your posts on twitter too and wondered.
        Be well. And take it easy. You have a safe and peaceful weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This was amazing Yassy, the way the words of color were drawn down, everything seemed to fade into each other with such harmony as you delicately arranged your words in such a form that perfectly matched line by line. Not to mention your wording is amazing and visually colorful as you always are. A poem that warrants admission to see 😉!! A lovely piece my friend.🌹🌹

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You say awesome things , Jokers! A thank you sounds cliched but I am grateful that you read my work and take time to comment. I feel blessed.
      I still will say thank you 🙂 you accept my heartfelt gratitude 🌺👺🌼

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No Yassy, a thank you coming from you even sounds poetic. I love your work and my comments are a tribute to your wonderful work my friend. And I feel equally blessed to have your support and friendship as well. 🌹❤️🌈🌹

        Liked by 1 person

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