Hot summer

Dances in
Her golden robe
Bees brew nectar, butterflies pollinate
While meadows paint themselves bright and sunny
I sit under
The blue sky


74 thoughts on “Hot summer

  1. The colors of life and you brought them all to life Yassy! From the bees to the colorful butterflies, the details and the colors all around, you gave the season a meaning.🌹🌹. I never knew one pen could have so many colors!!🌈

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Keep smiling dear guy. Good to see your smiling face. Take care.
        Oy! What do you mean , I am good. I am not even remotely good. Maybe your perspective is good. You look at people with good intentions and you see good. So simple. Touché

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s what Jokers do Yassy, they smile😁🃏!!
        You’re not remotely good huh, guess I got you all wrong😉. I’ll live in my own optimistic world then cause in there, Yassy is gold!❤️. It’s better than being complicated😉

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      3. Hey hey Joker the good joker who makes me smile.
        I don’t like to call myself good. I think everyone got good and bad in them so I am a mix of both.
        So there you have it. I am optimistic too and mostly I think everyone is good till experienced otherwise. Mama Mia 🐶

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      4. You don’t have to call yourself good, I called you good😉!! And until you prove me otherwise, that’s how you’ll stay, but yes…you are right, there’s two sides to every card.🃏
        Papi 🐻

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      5. Talk to the card👆, my card has only one side ,lol , my side 😜 , yikes,! Goodbye , Mr..Goody two shoes.
        You are good. Not nerdy good but good good in a good way good . There are bad ways good too, you know. Circumstantial thingy ! You know what I mean.

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      6. Hahaha! You’re so confusing it’s cute my friend! Lol. You may have one side and it’s your best side Yassy, you’re all charm😝. And yes, I’m so bad I’m good😜, I know exactly what you mean!😂😂

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