
I lay myself down to sleep in night's sky
Cradled in a rock-a-bye
Moon hears my sleepy sighs
Stars sing me a lullaby
I slumber in the hush of dreams
Cradled in the musings of treasured reveries
Feathered clouds embrace my eyelids
Sleep unwraps the lattice of my yearnings
Moistened eyes touch pillow
As starlit shadows breathe
A moonlit serenade...

I invite heaven into my chimera....

46 thoughts on “rock-a-bye

    1. I felt like this , Maggi dearest. I was almost sleepy 😌 as I wrote , ah ! But it’s so sooooo lovely to hear from you ! My world is happy when Margaret talks to me


  1. hi yassy. i watched the full yellow orange moon come up tonight right after sunset. when i turned around there it was peaking over the east hill. it was big and pretty in a clear sky as it rose. the water was completely calm and the air was still.

    i have been really distracted recently with all the things taking place in the world. normally i pay no attention because you don’t know what to believe anyhow. so many lies.

    some people think the world is on the cusp of great change for the better. i don’t want to get my hopes up after so much disappointment.

    i guess that is why i enjoy time with the sky. it don’t lie and can be somewhat comforting in a way, like you describe in your poem. it’s like waiting for that moment when suddenly all the colors appear. it does happen suddenly at times. other times it can be relaxing. i can’t remember being there when i did not enjoy it. that has to mean something.

    sorry for not talking much. my mind has been disturbed as some of your other poems seemed to express. i am having a difficult time finishing this but wanted to say hi.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. you do not distress me. well maybe a little bit because your poetry is so real to me at times. any distress is from myself though.

        i felt you were distraught some from the length of time between poems and some of the imagery.

        i think of people all the time even though i am nearly always alone. the circumstances of life can be beyond control.

        i just keep going with my one solace at sunset each day. that is also why it is so special to me. it may not change anything but it helps.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. i used to go to some forums and chat often. i stopped that a couple years ago but still read forums at times.

        Actually with whatever free time i have i read WP posts and look at pictures now. Being late on a Friday night here you can see how much free time i have. i try to spend some time on Saturday catching up on WP. it is my world travel.

        i hope you are well. your poem about purple and turquoise made me think of a cloudless sunset a few weeks back. i may try to find those photos tomorrow and put one up. too tired to look right now.

        i turned off comments on recent posts because i have not been feeling chatty about pictures much. older picture posts still have comments on. you can talk to me there when you want to. i will see it.

        good night or day as it may be.

        Liked by 1 person

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