
poetry torments my heart
poetry conceals my pain
i put my pain on paper
ink soaks up my tears


72 thoughts on “somehow

  1. Ah, yes, bleed on dear friend and may your poetry always find its way into your ink. This is absolutely beautiful and speaks to the purest nature of the poet.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you , Lulia! You say the nicest things. You make me smile with your generosity of heart. Thank you dear friend. I wouldn’t be here without your support and kindness.

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      1. Thank you, dear Yassy. Also your beautiful encouraging words have kept me going in some difficult moments ❤ I am so grateful to have met you. I am sending you the smiles of a never ending blissful warm summer 🙂

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  2. So poetry is both the creator and concealer of your pain.. Poetry is you.. You breathe it.. And the expression (writing).. Drench(soak) this split(tears).. Hmm.. You know.. This is so evocative. No wonder you breathe poetry.. Calliope..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this. Ink and writing does soak up my pain. That is so beautifully written. I absolutely love that line. Writing is so therapeutic for me and I never thought of it like that, but you let your pain out on paper and the ink soak ups the tears. So awesome!!! I cant say enough how much I love that. I had to reblog the poem I loved it so much. Thank you for your beautful words.

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      1. Thank you for saying that. I appreciate your kind words very much. I am doing pretty well right now. Ups and downs of bipolar, but that is my life and I am feeling pretty well right now. Thank you. This blog is very therapeutic for me…. and the awesome people (like you) on it help me out a lot by saying kind things etc…. Yes I have not been able to read blogs for quite a while. I am way behind on reading blogs until today. I have missed reading them and have a lot to catch up on. Love, hugs and blessings to you dear. Sue

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      2. Gosh. Thank you so much for saying that. I really apprecite your kind words. I guess it is good to be missed. I have been trying to finish completing my book of poetry and prose – a different approach of telling my story and journey of living with and surviving my bipolar etc. through my poetry and prose. It is like a prequel to my memoir until I finish my actual memoir… which is a slow work in progress as well. Plus, I have been woking a little too much at this part-time job I have and then had some symptoms come back to haunt me for a bit and you know… just life happens and being busy etc., but I have missed reading. I have so much to do. Thank you again for missing me. I am back. I missed reading your blog too and talking (typing) to other bloggers too. I have about a week off from my PT job so I am looking forward to that… to this week. Yay!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This brings back memories of me putting my pain on paper, too. Short but straight to the heart 😉

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts. (And by the way, thank you for liking one of my posts. I’m honored and flattered). 😊

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  5. What an ending: “i put my pain on paper / ink soaks up my tears”. I like the abstractness of it all too, because we think of ink drying up not it necessarily taking something up, but it does after take up space on the page, suck on blankness. This is so good!

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