punch drunk

A jazzy sun spills
punch drunk





67 thoughts on “punch drunk

      1. OMG, the sixteen century house with a pool, does it have a sauna and a jacuzzi, Lord Zoolon? Nah, you won’t drown, just holler , all of us from Wp will be there to save our King. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

      2. What a boring king A! You, a mandolin and a pool hahaha ha. So lonely. But you must have your staff? People waiting hand and foot on Lord Zoolon

        Liked by 1 person

      3. If only. Last time I stayed in an ancient old house in France, a place in the middle of nowhere, my best friend was a massive great hornet – not good, they don’t make friends easily.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I think you bring back ghosts to where you now live. Your biscuits!! What about Merlin’s owl 🦉, you should take him. Your best friend , ha ha you have the oddest of pals , Lord. God save the king. You must pack , milord


      5. I shall speak with the French spiders tomorrow. They’ll know the answer. They are very wise. I once had a fly in my car when travelling on the Euro-tunnel. At the time I wonder if it was a French fly on its way to England or vice-versa. Sadly, I can’t speak fly language, so I didn’t get to ask him, or her as the case may be. I better get some sleep, a long day tomorrow. Enjoy next week.

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      1. Seriously, I fail to understand why it is so much fun to drink. I have friends who drink and get tipsy. 😂 am not being preachy, I hope my friend.

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      2. I fail to understand why it is so much fun to drink too and I drink!!

        I didn’t take it as you being preachy at all, just was responding when you said “boozy punch!” Made me think of vodka punch.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Tequila lol. I wrote a haiku ‘ tequila sunrise and it was fun. I can’t remember now, the names but they are a blast. Why, Bloody Mary lol , I heard that you gotta take milk and then you don’t puke. You should do that hahahahaha


      4. My friend made a drink called a “man breeze” which was a more hardcore version of a sea breeze lol. Was double vodka, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and a splash of ginger ale. Or something similar I forgot what it was exactly hahaha. There are some crazy names though for sure!

        Hmm I can’t remember it! Can you link me 🙂 @tequilasunset

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      5. Omg man breeze. lol sea sunk , drown breeze, more like it. The Juices sound great. I would like that sans the V. Wait, I will dig up that poem , must be somewhere in last years posts. Me, lazy. Sorry

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  1. tangerine… orange…
    fussed gold… sun filling glasses
    sobering thoughts…

    tis my day
    well… all fathers day… so told
    a metaphor… fun

    punch drunk… the sun…
    at first thought… you… oh no…
    me… red faced again

    Liked by 1 person

  2. careful what you say
    misunderstanding… often…
    my errant ways… true

    always sober as a dude
    a glass of sunshine
    a daily must

    straight water
    its only sparkle… sunlight
    my drink… oft with ice

    drink in happiness
    live … find every day… yours
    to share… or keep… choose


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