I step into….wanderlust

I step into twilight's fog
and rendezvous in night's prologue..

birds, bees, butterflies, grace the glade
as nomadic sounds float and fade..

I breathe in the scent of aurum leaves
over the horizon, the sky hangs like the eaves..

I feel the cleansing of my spirit
as the earth embraces my feet...

I am a child of this earth
I love this planet for all that it is worth..

I wander the world with stardust in my eyes
before the sparkle of life in me dies...

102 thoughts on “I step into….wanderlust

    1. I just want to take off, somewhere , someplace , into the wilderness, into the mountains with gurgling brooks and Virgin springs and streams, I want to open my eyes and not see so much concrete, I want to see flowers and the birds. Sorry , I forgot

      Liked by 3 people

      1. A propose collaboration, this is my contribution which I have interlaced with yours: read on

        take me with you don’t go alone
        lets go now lets not postpone

        high up in the canopy monkeys play
        pity we know not what they say

        you beckoned me to sniff I sneezed
        for sometime there on you me teased

        your heart your soul cleansed too
        enthralled I keep you in view

        us both as babies filled with excitement
        both now seeking our lost contentment

        wander on you precious lady
        I’ll be lost that’s a truth not a maybe

        From here, a “Poetic Converstaion”,
        I feel a liberty I’ve taken
        I hope I am mistaken
        Read on an do what you deem just.

        I step into twilight’s fog
        take me with you don’t go alone
        and rendezvous in night’s prologue..
        lets go now lets not postpone

        birds, bees, butterflies, grace the glade
        high up in the canopy monkeys play
        as nomadic sounds float and fade..
        pity we know not what they say

        I breathe in the scent of aurum leaves
        you beckoned me to sniff I sneezed
        over the horizon, the sky hangs like the eaves..
        for sometime there on you me teased

        I feel the cleansing of my spirit
        your heart your soul cleansed too
        as the earth embraces my feet…
        enthralled I keep you in view

        I am a child of this earth
        us both as babies filled with excitement
        I love this planet for all that it is worth..
        both now seeking our lost contentment

        I wander the world with stardust in my eyes
        wander on you precious lady
        before the sparkle of life in me dies…
        I’ll be lost that’s a truth not a maybe

        Liked by 1 person

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