Heart of the beach

as the warm 
water soaks, permeates
saturating, moistening the life

snuggling deep
inside the little shells
lying on a bed of shifting sands

i take them 
in the palm of my hand
marveling at their virgin beauty..

129 thoughts on “Heart of the beach

      1. Lol yassy, not intended. my brain is starting to talk in haikus. I am reading Basho – On Love and Barley so it must be in my mindset πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I will work on it over the weekend yassy. Have a good one and great to see you getting involved in the CafΓ© collaborations.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. What are you doing to yourself , George ? Running the cliffs, omg 😲, but the king has so many people waiting on him, hand and foot, he can be carried home ?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You fancied a run and in the bargain got yourself a nice stiff cramp, send your servants to me, let me get them to do Pilates , send them back to you, fit for a king lol , please don’t teether off the edge , good lord , the cliff edge😲don’t do this , Lord.

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      3. I will keep the horses , lord Zoolon , I love those animals! And the chubby servants , let me see , how we will work that puppy fat off their backs.

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      4. Looks like you have ‘the ‘ museum , lord Zoo Lon ! Do you also happen to have the baa baa black sheep and Mary ‘a little lamb, chipmunks must help you with the music , like Jorg and the chipmunks and a ratatouille, who cooks pasta for the Lord.

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      5. Be careful with your pasta , she may steal some of that too, what do you know. What other animals do you cherish in your coterie , lord Zoooolon! No creepy crawlees, pliz

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      6. Lady Yasmin, no one must come near my pasta. An aubergine base, a little grated cheese, sprinkling of black pepper and simple penne pasta was the meal I’ve just had far too much off – I’ll be out running again tomorrow. I have a pet bumble bee (Harry), although he’s out collecting nectar at the moment, and Merlin let’s me talk deep thoughts with his owl on Thursday’s. I’d like another dog soon – the dog bit is a serious wish.

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      7. You must let Harry the bee sting you if you go near the edge of the cliff, you need someone to keep an eye on you, my Lord, I would love a telepathy meeting with M’s owl , is that possible. Oh yes, you need a dog to run with you, he will keep tabs on you, how soon will you have soon, and what breed do you prefer?

        Liked by 1 person

      8. My old dog was a border collie. Maybe a rough and ready mongrel next time. Not too big; not too small. A telepathic conference with a wise owl would be something else. If I remember right Merlin’s owl was called Ambrose.

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      9. Put me through to Ambrose, when you can. How are you this morning, Lord? cramps and all? Why mongrel? A German shepherd would do well too, oh well, as long as it keeps you off the cliffs.

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      10. I believe that when all human beings become mongrels the world will have a better chance of peace because we’ll all be the same. After that all we’d need are the various religions to get their act together. I’ve often been called ‘mad’ for saying this, but I can’t help it. I never mean to offend. I like German Shepherds. I met one – a puppy – on top of the cliffs yesterday. His name was Jerry.

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      11. Can’t we become something else, Lord Zoolon. I would like to become a bird and fly the sky. But why mongrel. And you ain’t mad , Jorg, sanest person I know, yeah .what was Jerry doing on top of the cliffs and what were you doing there, btw,?

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      12. I often walk along the cliffs when I’m thinking of a new lyric or a melody. It’s peaceful and the cafe at the top serves really good hot chocolate. Why mongrel? I just think if the human race mixed more with each other and we all became the same colour – it doesn’t matter what colour that is, although I hope it wouldn’t be orange – then racists (I hate racists) wouldn’t have any reason to exist. What sort of bird would you become?

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      13. Sounds so adventurous, can just picture you, sounds peaceful too, lol, Orange people with orange brains , sometimes I wonder why racists are racists , what is it that makes them so, and I really haven’t thought about what sort of bird I would become, I can only think of flying that high , and then maybe disappear into the Milky Way. I would also have the Milky Way hot chocolate and look down at the cliffs of Dover 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      14. Or planet lasagna , I am sure the people living up there must have a cafe , it gets quite cold up there , you know , I want to go up there and see for myself,..sigh.


      1. You are so sweet , Maggy! It’s always heartwarming to see a comment from you. It’s great to bond with a pure soul like yours, all the way across the seven seas. Our spirits are united by the bond of comaraderie, i an so blessed to have you as my friend. I feel I have found myself again. Thank you, Margaret.

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  1. Hi, yassy I have a favor that I ask for all my friends (I’m contacting more than 1000 of my friends, because they couldn’t find me)

    If you have no trouble opening my site you can ignore this message.
    I messed up my site link. I made a little change and got in big trouble.
    My old site (deleted, that’s why you can’t find me anymore)

    My new site is The Shower of Blessings (the β€œs” is in different place, so is the link)
    The new link is https://theshowerofblessings.wordpress.com

    You may have to click the new link and follow my new site again in order to see me show up in your Reader.

    Sorry for the trouble. Thank you, Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful, but brings back a memory of a day at my local beach, total devastation, shells smashed, still had their occupant’s inside… dismembered starfish, some still alive… all manner of things I’ll post some not to gruesome photo’s.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve experienced many a bad storm, even a hurricane, but what happened on this occasion was unprecedented, in that this particular stretch of coastline, has no rocks at al,l right down to the load tide mark, and probably a good way beyond that. A relevant point, as sea anemones, seaweeds, and starfish are dependent on rocks for anchorage. In the case of the starfish for food, albeit they will scavenge out on sandy substrate. Hope I’ve not bored you?


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