
The stars come out
like lamplights in the silken dark
croonings of birds fade
nests lull their trembling feathers

I sit captive in
an angst that entwines my heart
tears dissolve into
darkening hues of the night
drenching my bossomed lattice.


102 thoughts on “silent

  1. I find it hard
    to bleed my inner feelings
    tissues close to hand
    my tears write words i fear
    fortunately illegible
    tis early morning
    all in bed tucked up warm
    my mind set free
    the silence and me are one
    I reflect on yesterday
    poetry i wrote
    a cold eventful walk
    a little egret
    reflecting done fresh new day
    already pen to paper
    the stars their fading
    no its tears that cloud my eyes
    poetry precious
    as the hand from which words flows
    inciting fiction feelings
    words flow from my heart
    as blood runs through my veins
    poetry wrote well
    inadvertent transfusions
    inspirations from a friend
    Take care Yasmin, your words scare me!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You write with great feeling its difficult not to read truth into what you write. It makes me feel so inadequate, until I hear those magic words, “It’s fiction”, however to me it’s like watching a sad, movie, even a happy one, both can bring an emotional tear to my eye. But, not for one second am I suggesting that you refrain from expressing yourself in anyway you want, no, just pointing out how powerful your words are, and how they an affect me personally. I find inspiration in all your work, and wait with baited breath for your next..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh wow , you really make me feel special, I respect you very much. You write awesome and you appreciate my work , well I am so so delighted. I promise to write a crazy silly poem to cheer up my best buddy here! Sending hugs to your family ! Bless you Mick!😊

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: silent – yaskhan
  3. Wow Yas, beautifully expressed 💕💕 Such deep and meaningful lines. Very emotional. I love “the silken dark”. Really precious poem ❤️❤️🌹🌹

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Moonlit- starlit nights bring out the best of your emotions. Nights do have a tendency to bring out all the sadness that exists in the nooks and corners of our hearts. The nice thing is the morning rays bring hope with them. Profound and beautiful lines, Yassy.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh. And….ohhhhhhh. You make me feel not so alone in the moments I feel exactly as You’ve written. Which is one of the most precious gifts that could be given to another. And You gift it to the world. Thank You, beautiful Yassy. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  6. my o my ^ your “silent” speaks volumes and truly strikes a cord (Elephanta Island, long ago, willing my sunken moon to come into view). You have a wonderful way with words for, with that ensemble of only 42, you paint the moment so deeply and richly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deep and rich , the wisdom of saying what you say in the perfection of your thoughts, Anna , that they melt so beautifully into my eye sinking oh so softly into the psyche of my soul .. thank you , Anna .. your comments turn into a masterpiece of poetry.


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