Midnight Pearl

Lacing the pre-dawn darkness
With infinite chastity and purity
Snuggling on a bed of morbid starkness
White orbs sparkling with clarity.

Straddling the day and the night
In the darkness of the prevailing gloom
“Teardrops of the moon” in flight
Dispelling dismal woes to doom.

In the dusky dimness an iridescent glow
Translucent moment held in transition
Of a dividing time that lets luster to flow
From a cabbalistic force to lucid ambition.

A fine balance between what was and what is to come
Dark strokes in the sky and dawn’s pearly lightsome.

47 thoughts on “Midnight Pearl

  1. Brilliantly done! Esoteric, perhaps?
    I actually did a syllable count to see if you had penned a Sonnet. I love sonnets. In any case, I’m perpetually counting syllables on my fingertips 😂.
    You’ve done a fine job of portraying the beauty ‘in-between’ which is often not the case.
    Great lines, beautiful imagery and the perfect juxtapositioning of light and dark. This will be my favorite of yours, till such time another fine one flows out of your quill.
    “Of a dividing time that lets luster to flow
    From a cabbalistic force to lucid ambition” – This couplet takes the cake!
    Take a bow, dear girl.
    She 😉

    Liked by 3 people

      1. It’s Twilight here as well. I’m closer than you think I am 😀. And you’re welcome. Good Poetry is soul medicine. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. And I’ll be posting a Sonnet soon, a typical 14 lines, 10 syllable each one. My ‘He’ hasn’t read it yet, which is why I’m writing as just me. But I’m sure he’ll enjoy it too. Fantastic once again! 😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Syllables are the soul ! And poetry is my comfort food. And I always look forward to reading you both. You are an amazing ‘one soul two minds ‘ I am going to see you both , where are you She?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sailaja. You write effortlessly, I look forward to your offering. It’s sacred as sacred as this wonderful friendship that we share. Your appreciation means a lot to me. Life feels nice now that you are around , my friend. My soul saster

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This poem is so poetic. Form is perfect. Images are consistent but changing. Rhymes are solid and soothing. Cadence is human. All that is hung delicately in a self-organizing moment seen through words. WONderful.

    Liked by 1 person

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