my shining knight

Young is the night
the moon light bathes
my knight in white.

a than bauk form

26 thoughts on “my shining knight

  1. Nice. I like this form.
    It’s strange…get used to seeing poem from you every day!! and I’m thinking…oh..where’s Yassy, hope she’s ok …..cos you haven’t posted for a while!!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. btw Yassy..saw by chance you’d done a comment on Ulingana Kenya trip…thanks but that is not me so can’t comment someone else who uses my site for her project! Forgive me using your poem comment area to tell you but no other way!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. A Beatles’ song, yon walrus of magical words? I love a good mystery before this week’s first- and next-to-last – beer. I’m still struggling to know me and who he is nextminute.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I stopped to graze along your moonstruck path on the way to till mine own garden and could escape only with a pair of reads…so ‘scuse while I go back to munch another delight. I missed the ’66’ the first time ’round and flung it up on The Book of Faces as yaskhan (only).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope the three capitals signal unopprobrium. This age thing – now two beers or one nice wine (or a double-dose of 21-year-old Irish single malt – does me just fine and mostly at home where there is only one dangerous person about and one day real soon now I will teach him how to handle the steps up to the door. More than that is sleepy time and what’s the use of mind-alteration if I’m asleep: I know, the dreams are less fun mostly, then.

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