Do Trees Cry?

Do trees cry when you chop them?
Do trees cry when you cut them down?
Do they feel the pain when the axe falls?
Do they bleed when you put a blade through their bark?
I wonder what happens to their roots?
I wonder how they feel when uprooted ?
Do they weep when they are gutted?
Are their screams and cries for help lost in the burning pain
when fires light up their unheard screams
Like an unseen bloodstain

For those of you who wish to join me on my twitter and Instagram journey ..yassielass_99 and @yasminAhmed_yas 

66 thoughts on “Do Trees Cry?

  1. I often ponder trees Yassy. I’ve written several poems about them too. There is something so deeply moving about them. I read a book, I think it was called The Secret Life of Trees or something – it was factual information about trees, things that a park ranger had observed and it was amazing. I love how you penned this.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes, we are so connected to nature and I think as writers and poets, we tend to think more deeply about these issues.. and I understand what you are saying here and I totally feel the same way as you do. We just have to sit up and notice how gently they help us without making it obvious .. they are there and that’s what makes this planet so special.

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  2. Coincidentally, juz nearby my home, a small green patch of wondrous forest like huge vegetation…hope looks centuries old, that’s like a magical oasis amidst our cemented grey hi-rise was ruthlessly cut

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  3. Sorry..continuing my comment above… ‘ that’s like a magical osasus nesting so many rare species…amidst our unfortunate cemented hi- rise soulless jungles, was ruthlessly razored down aloud.. in the wee hours.. whether trees bleed or not, I bleed 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s okay. No worries. It’s a tragedy when people don’t understand. Too much commercialism! They put the money up their arse lol soulless as you say. They bleed human beings so it’s not a surprise they kill that can’t talk back or defend themselves!
      Thanks so much for talking and sharing your views. So grateful.


  4. OMG. This is gorgeous! (As in, wish I’d written it, gorgeous, lol!) I’ve read “The Secret Life of Trees,” too, and also “Finding the Mother Tree,” by Suzanne (?) Simard. Wonderful insights into the complex life of trees. We so often view the other beings inhabiting our physical space with us as “resources” for our benefit. This is perhaps an influence of the Judeo-Christian idea of human superiority (“dominion” over the earth)? In my view, we are all expressions of the same Consciousness, we, the trees, the deer, the river, our dog. . . we all exist to benefit each other. I live in a place heavily reliant on the logging industry. I wonder how our view would be affected if we considered all as sentient life, each always benefiting the other?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually wanted to write more but I felt overwhelmed and distressed .. I like how you put it .. I am going to read your comment multiple times .. there is so much meaning and so meaningful the way you think and write. It’s an interesting and inspiring experience just hearing you out.

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      1. Yes, I do agree .. I like to think too , that we are getting there .. we will , eventually.. .. thank you and you are very welcome with you wonderful thoughts. So delighted , Camilla. Have yourself a gorgeous weekend.

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    1. Yes, they are a part of who we are and we need to put these questions to ourselves .. I hope I don’t sound preachy but yes.. these are questions to which there are no answers to .. but we still need to prod on haha .. smile now 🤗

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  5. there used to be two enormous trees at my office’s car park. We had to see them being chopped down because of the mess that birds made on the cars below. I was beyond dad because they were beautiful trees and the shade served so well during the summer. Still miss them.🌳

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    1. Bird poop can be irksome, I understand that. And nobody likes their car decorated lol so I guess the trees had to go but it’s still sad. I guess no one wants to do it another way without hurting the trees.

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    1. Let’s wipe each other’s tears. They do cry because we feel them. How sweet how poignant , the way you talk.. it makes my heart gladden with tears of joy that you are someone with a beautiful heart. 💓🤗 love you , soul sibling 😘

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  6. Actually, they are discovering plants (trees, especially) do feel pain and communicate. Mycelium from fungi act as messengers for trees, I believe I have read.

    Beautiful thoughts in this poem, Yassy, and should give us all pause. ~Nan

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