My Diary

I allow the past to rest between the pages of my diary 
the call of loneliness
in my memory
and as I reminisce inside these pages, dried rosette mauve petals help me remember
nostalgia reels on pages woven with echoes of past gaiety’s vanishing into paling tints lacquering my heaving breath
and yet,the deep scent of vintage pages ruffle the quietness of my eyes
language of memories
brings a quiver
to my veins
as I swallow yesteryear’s anguish and close that lingering chapter finally
the pain has healed me upon a new page’s behest.

73 thoughts on “My Diary

    1. And our thoughts become clearer and stronger.. more tangible .. thank you , Ka .. I see your comment as a thought process that’s coming from a strong woman .. strong in her convictions and dreams. Thank you , girl. From my bosom, a sigh of joy after reading your comment 🤗💓😘

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  1. we always hear move forward, forget the past. I find it easy enough, at a point to do that. Yet, the past has a way of appearing when least expected. Could be a bite of food, the wind blowing, a walk, and it all comes rushing back unexpectedly. That memory as new as our hearts beating. Eventually, with time, fading into the place of indifference and resolve 🙂 🙂 Beautiful artistry of words as always Yassy. Thank you for sharing yourself with us 🙂 it is a blessing 🙂

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    1. I agree with you, Maggi. But the past never really gets left behind. It’s always there, like a shadow , shadowing us .. but as we get busier with life, past takes a back seat. No one actually wants to live in the past but memories never go away but gradually fade.
      Thank you for your profound insight and wisdom. You are a blessing beautiful 🤗

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    1. Lee, there goes your beautiful heart saying the most precious words.. thank you , I cherish you , I cherish your visit to my page. I cherish your voice on my poem. Thank you 🤗❤️


      1. Thank you for receiving my words with such love and warmth. I had a difficult time clicking away from your moving poem. 💖 I am taking a blog break for a few weeks. Miss you already! 😁🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are welcome, Lee. Okay , your comments are off so I want to tell you here that I so enjoyed your posts. Remarkably good, phenomenal pic and your writing is always top notch.
        Okay , take your break .. enjoy your time , rest well , chill 😎 and have a ball 🤗❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes, current comments off. I am so glad to connect with you here before I soar like a bird. Tweet tweet. It is a delight, star sis, reading, writing, connecting. Cheers to more years of creating, discovering, laughing, a little crying of course (because we’re poets). Thank you, gifted poetess, catch up with you in a few weeks. 🤗💕

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, so good! It can be good or bad going back to an old diary. I have a couple of years that were kind of rough I think I should just burn instead of going back there – ha, ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah .Right.most heart touching wordings,dear Yassy!!The broken and astingushed feeling can be publish on the page.💕💕💕✍️✍️✍️✍️💕💕💕💕


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