Writer’s Block

On becoming a page without words … 

80 thoughts on “Writer’s Block

  1. Ode to your Empty Page
    Paging the page Paige missing from his chores leaves the Noble to write his own poem and encomium without armor and alone on the battlefield with a wound that won’t heal without his Lady. Oh but for spelling he could hide his tears that betray his fear. Oh but his can’t stanza

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    1. Oh Doug … Paige was paged by this wounded warrior of a soldier .. he was wounded by the tip of his nib .. he drew his quill to write to his lady and bruised hisself with bad spelling but ate a ton of spelt .. whilst the tears flowed his face glowed so his stanza was a stand alone stanza in the battlefield of chores .. noble cause eh

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    1. Yay ! I love what you just said, Cindy. That’s the coolest thing I have read in quite a while .. you can write whatever you want or nothing at all. The liberty of a poet .. 🤗🙏

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      1. Yay .. I am happy too 🤗 a blank canvas befits creativity., I love that , yes ., hugs 🥰 back at ya girl. Yes, glitches galore 😂 but we always seem to get around them .. cheers to us 🙋🏻‍♀️😛


    1. Words will always find a way of making it back to us ., we have to open our minds and let them in through the quietness and stillness of deep thought and meditation. .. embrace your solitude because in the aloneness of leaving all the chaos , the universe sets into motion our evolution….

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