A Lost Memory

Here now
Now gone
Like the light
Gone out of your eyes

at my mind’s edge
your absence becomes
a lost memory

53 thoughts on “A Lost Memory

    1. Thank you for that epic response , Camilla. .. you always go right to the heart of the verse and feel the emotional energy.
      When faced with death .. that’s what happens.. it’s a helpless feeling when you cannot battle the inevitable..
      thank you , Camilla. Hearing from you is an experience in itself.

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    1. Aww thank you so much , Kev.. I appreciate your keenly perceptive response. Your words are profound and impactful . Your remarkable comment makes me deeply grateful! Thank you.


      1. Thank you! A stirring addition to my evening. ✨ I had a thought this morning that I would write a poem about a firefly, from the perspective of never having seen one. Feel fortunate to have read yours. 🙏🏻❤️😘

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      2. My pleasure 🤗.. , Lee. Your poetic heart ♥️ will soon put pen to paper and give us a glowing verse about fireflies. That is the magnitude of your magical poetic soul. 😘🤗

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    1. 🤗 thank you , Leigh 🤗 ., you are right .. the music , the movie , the cast ., thank you for the lovely kindness of your heart 💓.. thank you for reading , thank you for commenting.. hugs 🤗 ~ Yasmin ~😘

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      1. The Actor of Die Hard is not The Lonely Author.He is Bruce Willis,the lonely author’s name is Andrews Duran.He is just in youg age ,and Bruce Willis is an oldest guy.sorry for my wrong Idea.🤔❤😥❤🙋‍♀️❤🤓❤His posted photo is a little bit mathes with Bruce Willis.Dear Yassy!!Do you know that what is the occupation of the Lonely Author in Hollywood-as a Actore Or As a Screen Play writer.plz reply soon.love you.❤💃❤

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