Somewhere In My Solitude

Somewhere in my solitude,
I open to my dreams

my dreams
find their way
into the loneliness
of a hot sultry day
I open my window
to let in birdsong

I breathe my solitude
into the fragrance of blossoms
broken dreams
survive inside my soul
held by memories

I dream me home
I dream my soul
into a dark broken
I tongue each bruise
dressed in blood

the wind holds me
blowing moonflowers in my hair
taste of salt and sand

in my solitude
everything I need
is inside of me
there is only music
symphony of an ache
a longing
for healing lifelines
a yearning
indulging my dreams

sitting in darkness
looking up at a lit sky
solitude never felt better

sleep quiets my mind
dreams slip through
the subconscious
somewhere in my solitude

68 thoughts on “Somewhere In My Solitude

    1. I like it when the reader understands and probes the lines from his/her perspective.. it could be anything .. contemplation , introspection.. words give us that sense of searching for meaning .. our brain has to comply otherwise the universe becomes infinite and our curiosity drives us into questioning.

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      1. Yes, that sense of a search for meaning — it’s something I find when reading poetry more than in, let’s say, a nonfiction piece in which the author’s meaning is clear and provided for you. That’s a great thing too, but very different.

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      2. Poetry should do that .. a reader should feel that .. and if a writer or poet is able to stir something inside the reader , then it’s an awesome thing..
        thanks, Kevin.

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  1. Your poetry about solitude is a help to someone who has never had to be alone and isn’t now. However, I have found myself suffering with a disability that keeps me home and mostly reading, listening to classical music, and reading other people’s blogs. Yours popped up when you left a “like” on my posting of a poem of Yeats. Thank you for stopping by so I’d come and visit you!

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