In Blue Ink

in blue ink 
my anguished heart spills
my words smell
of flowers and pain
they settle in the blood
that pumps my heart
taking me inside the stars
an eternity shining
and as I breathe, I write
a lone heartbeat under
the February sky

71 thoughts on “In Blue Ink

      1. Okay. That’s great. That surgery is going to make upon better. You will be fine, Dan. You are a brave and strong person., I draw inspiration from you. Don’t you worry dear man please .


  1. WOW.a great ‘n deep meaning in your this short poem.”…A lone beat under the february sky.”amazing line,dear yassy!! By reading this,my heart beat stopped for a second and opened mouth was still at just time.beautiful feelings in all wordings like shining diamond.a great work,my dear Friend!!Bless you with love❤️🤗❤️❣️✍️❣️💎❣️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nicely said! It’s helpless pouring out of an anguished heart’s woes. Emotions make one too vulnerable. However, sometimes mind and intellect step in to bail the agonized heart out. That’s the spiritual dimension of a brave life.

    Liked by 1 person

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