Dear January

Dear January, you have been doing this every year. And you look great. The beginning always looks great. You have only come to make this year look better.

the calendar 
in January's chill
spring blossoms

Dear January, speak poetry and embrace me with your eloquence. Make spring bloom luminescent ...make what is empty, dark....effervescent. let nectar flow from lips of flowers and let butterflies carry their fragrant dreams into mountains,  hills,  brooks ,streams, oceans and high seas spreading over earth..

Speak to me
Oh January
Tell the moon to twirl me silver, sun ignite my fire..let the stars wrap their light. .my eyes sparkle the constellations..

Wounded fingers quiver
Broken whispers of fear 
Let the wind be a balm 
To heal the sighs 
Of disease frightened people.

138 thoughts on “Dear January

  1. Just wonderful Yassy! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜β€οΈ I can hear you beseeching January to be nice to you and brighten up your day, to speed up so that spring can have it’s beautiful way with the world! 😁🌍❀️

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      1. As the song says: “Things can only get better…” πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰ Yeh, our lovely friend: Omicron. πŸ˜‚ You’re most welcome Yasmin! πŸ˜πŸ‘

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    1. Thank you very much , Sumi. Let the Gods smile on you my dear friend .. I pray that all your wishes be fulfilled.. may your days be filled with good health and cheer. ❀️

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      1. Bless u infinite Yassy. Pls keep me posted… And If u dnt mind ….I wish to use some of your lines in my writing…. So u know I appreciate ur work and yes I will definitely acknowledge you πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I like how you speak to January with the nectar of a house plant and the dreams of the river to reach the sea. But January is of two minds. Summer in Australia began on December 1, and will end on February 28, 2022. With average temperatures often above 35 Β°C (95 Β°F), they are praying for cool. With January being in the middle I think our January could lend them an iceberg and they could bring us a kangaroo with a flower in its pouch to kick box out winter with a shout. January must be torn by twin laments: too hot, too cold… so many scolds. It is odd though that the news is only focused on the Northern Hemisphere. I wonder how many know that it is Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Ooops, I wonder if the northern prayers and laments overwhelm the other that the Earth might flip… anyway, maybe fall and spring are compromises. Let us all sleep until one of them.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for such an interesting comment.. I think I kept going back and reading you .. maybe I will read your comment again and feel inspiration stirring.. nectar of a house plant.. I could do with an iceberg salad πŸ₯— I dream of good times , Doug. I can’t compromise the spring in my soul.
      Bless you mightily for your thoughts. Take good care.

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