
The pen is mighty in the right hands otherwise it just becomes a sword that kills. 

91 thoughts on “Misinformation

  1. A decent pen can achieve more than a sword said the knight who became a lord, yet a pen with ink so black can also stab you in the back πŸ™ƒ

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Writing and words should not and do not wield their might over one group of people or country to kill or show might.. words of love and compassion rule the world and are not constrained by borders. Pen is mightier than a sword. Words reach further than a sword could ever, words outlive the author across 100s and 1000s of years.. very nice post, thanks to you for making me ponder over for some timeπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re absolutely right. I’m fairly certain they know what they’re doing, though. The media is owned and controlled by the powerful, so, it’s their propaganda that will be dispensed.

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  3. Reblogged this on Commentary, Outrages, Prose and Poetry and commented:
    Yassy (Yaskhan – I keep misspelling even when I know letter) makes a compelling argument for Right Hands holding the pens. Though sometimes – far too often in appears – a sword beside the pen is useful at cutting gordian knots and other impediments, though the cost of such cutting rarely is counted before the stroke. Misinformation is worse than bald lies which ring their “truths” discordantly enough to shy the wary.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Again – and yet no surprise – you make a telling point. I left what I hope is a comment on Right-Handedness in my reblog of Misinformation to “Commentary, Outrages, Poetry, Prose” right up there beside Bruce Jewett’s bit on Taking All The Toys Home. Glad I got the time to visit, Yassy. I’ll try better to spell Yaskhan correctly. J

    Liked by 1 person

  5. wellerest, my dear Lady Yassy; mil gracias por su preguntga(s?). Safe, quien sabes? I still walk into walls masquerading as cabinet doors. Currently fussing with gmail inbox…trying to delete and the program is off dancing after a mere five thousand or so…all my research says I can delete but 50 at a time…not counting saves in archive, stars, etc., I have 10s of thousands to go and my tedium button is burning up.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. After six hours over two days I still have tons of “housekeeping” on gmail…cleanup emails, archive photos, go through all the files with attachments, most of which I sent out, to free up storage issues…from 96+ percent full to just under half now of the 15-gig accnt. Well, enough bore…expect to do other chores – yipee! found I DO have ghost pepper survivor plant with a pair of newbies just going past green…so I must care and feed, etc., and the seeding of tomatoes, other peppers, etc., to chore me through Wednesday and Thursday. Got a bushel of haiku and tanka to transcribe but more a ton to read from you and a goodly group of others. Maybe I will surface next week. My Lady Yassy. I miss reading BOTH of us! Later, J

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      2. Oops…maybe another six…just like the first time I logged on to my then-newspaper’s new computerized system and found out a deleted story (or file) really wasn’t deleted until you found it in the trash bin and deleted it AGAIN! from that pile could you ever count on its deletion, finally. Was a useful tool, though, I recaptured those stories I wanted to save and found else – from others whose copy I found informative or interesting. The Sysop had a one-letter sign-in, I had a two-letter sign-in and all the other writers and editors in a three-newspaper (actually, it was four but I never counted Florida Today as a real newspaper) all had three-letter sign-ins. I asked the SysOp why I had a two-letter and he a 1-letter: J, he said, those bozos never do anything but what they are allowed. You keep me happy trying to make the ‘puter do what YOU want and not what IT allows, so I have something interesting to do on Saturday mornings. And, it gives you a pretty far-ranging allowance on what you want to do and with – or to – whom you so want.
        I was impressed.

        Liked by 1 person

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