
You carry silver stars in your hair 
I love the feel of your hair on my fingers bare

I see the whole universe in the depth of your eyes 
You leave me breathless, my soul soars to the skies.

Your skin radiant like sunlight on meadow
Where I bask in the warmth of your inherent glow.

Your smile, the charisma of a promise untold
Sparking the air like sparkling gold.

Your voice soft in its gentleness
Falling like whisper upon my skin
Leaving my senses on a roller coaster spin.

Your quill spins a spell
A spelling from the soul
The embrace of imagination
In the creation of poetry.

# Lyric

134 thoughts on “You

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      1. This from Neck’s Nape (not “neck;s”: hope soon to have time away from transcription duties to spend some hours with you and others who’ve scraped away some of my barnacles past-times: I’ve acquired more such ‘pediments which my own few chuckles crack. Wise of me, neh, to seek stellar services such as yourn?

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