
Wingbeat of an eagle 
Moves the 
Azure of sky...

Lonely day
Living the silence
Blue hour

My window opens
To the stars

Twilight breeze--
The shape of wind
In the evening primrose

Cicada songs
Climb the 
Moonlit sky

My wild dreams:
Now there is a 
Stillness inside me.

I spike my coffee
With golden acoustics..

95 thoughts on “Unrehearsed

    1. Almost losing my mind , George .. I really tried hard to put some words together. Thank you for the heads up, I so needed that. I hope you are well sans your perennial cold ~~Yasmin..

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I haven’t got a cold anymore, thanks. I guess staying indoors has some virtues. The killer now is that my business like loads of others, is dead for however long this thing lasts. Stay safe ~ George

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it’s doing you good ..I think you worked yourself to the bone. And don’t worry about business , once this is over , you will be more loaded with work. This is your chance to chill~~ Yasmin ~~

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Your artistry shines brightly here. I love the form and flow. Simple, yet powerful with evocative and descriptive wording. You create such imagery for the reader that it is hard not to be consumed by the thoughts you plant in the mind. Well written and much enjoyed! Much love! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Avia. I remembered you and I wondered because I haven’t seen you for a while.
      I am well , I hope you are taking good care of yourself.


      1. No, I don’t think you missed . I do miss posts ., some posts never show up on my reader. Yours never ., WP gremlins I guess. lol


  2. That’s really nice. Loved it♥
    If you have some time then please do read my blogs😊


    1. Thank you, Charlie..
      What you just said is a blessing. I wrote these lines when I was feelin very low ..
      Thank you, my friend.. it’s good to have friends like you around.
      Be safe ..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah , Charlie..you are right.
        Poetry gives me solace. Writing frees me from my agitation. I feel fulfillment in the challenge of putting my thought processes into words.

        Liked by 1 person

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