Solitude’s Bloodroots

Poetry becomes my wisdom
Subduing the melancholy
I bleed like a warrior
Make touch red to blue.

I catch a Freesia breeze
Holding fragrant peacock quill
To write my soul's graffiti
A carmine inked dream....

And then I find " a face in poetry "
In the amaranthine pause of my  breath.

# Dodoitsu

133 thoughts on “Solitude’s Bloodroots

    1. You say wonderful things because you are a friend , George but most publishers reject my work 😞 I stopped sending my work now and now I will write for the pure joy of writing poetry and if I have friends like you who cone to read , I am honoured and happy.
      Thanks for being here and also there on Twitter.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Art, all kinds of art, is so hard to get out there. You have to take a hundred punches and hope you’re still standing for round 2. Art is in many ways the most important thing for society. Selling it can be torture. Have you tried self-publishing? ~ George

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’ve often been turned down by traditional publishing as well. I have self-published some, but am getting to the point that I wonder if it is worth it because the field is inundated and it is so hard to successfully market your own books.

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      3. Yes, you are right Maranda. The point is the marketing of your book. You hit the nail on the head with this.
        And where I live poetry is hardly popular. People think it’s weird that I write poetry lol

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      4. Yeah, I’m just not sure in the long run it is worth the investment of my time to self publish books anymore. So, I think I will just focus on sharing my poetry here and on other social media and I do submit poems to publications sometimes. If a publisher ever approached me, I would definitely listen, but at this point I’m not really concentrating on it.

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      5. That’s exactly how I feel , Maranda! Thank you 😊. I feel better now 😊🌝, let’s just enjoy the poetry. I am happy I can write on WP and I have such wonderful friends who appreciate and support my work.
        Thank you 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      6. You should do that Yassy – I believe as George does that you poetry has an artistic quality to it – just like paintings – extremely beautiful ones. You should self publish – and make the cover a gorgeous watercolour with deep rich hues. Publishers don’t know what they want anymore – I do – I would like a beautifully bound book of your work.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Katey, you have beautiful thoughts and ideas on this. Lol I just don’t feel up to it haha self publishing , I really would love a publisher to do all my work for me 🌞😎you have been through that so you must be thoroughly experienced. Yes, George has that artistic vision and he sees all things in a creative light. Thanks to you both 😊 for the pep talk.

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      8. What if I told you it is dead simple and won’t cost you a cent. All you have to do is get together 20 of your favourite poems – the ones that mean the most to you – put them together in a document then go to KDP amazon and follow the steps – it will take a couple of hours max from beginning to end. Then begin to advertise your book on your blog and let your readers know. It doesn’t cost you anything to do it so even if you are selling the book quite cheaply it is all profit which you make 70% of. It’s easy Yassy just do it – and it will breathe fresh life into you. Promise.

        Liked by 1 person

      9. It is simple – really simple and you have so many followers that you could immediately climb the ranks as they bought copies of your books – do it do it do it – our days grow short and time runs out and the things we don’t do grow heavy on our shoulders – lighten the load for yourself. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Your weakness is your greatest strength , Lorraine. And you write beautifully, what more do we need ? Yay, from one warrior to another , hugs and smiles 😘🤗🌞


  1. I agree with Zoolon/George. Your poetry paints with words/allusions that are tactile. And yes…we are warriors, with words that keep flowing no matter how much blood they draw or represent. Life itself bleeds.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I slept a bit, am up again 🙂 The bags under my eyes are probably permanent full-size valises, haha! 🙂 I’m going to post my real picture soon….

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi! There has been a lot going on here the last couple of months and I just haven’t had the chance to get on WP. It was so lovely to see your poem at the right time! Yes! It seems prayer answered to connect with people I care about! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m happy to hear that!
        Yeah, I am doing better, thanks! We’ve had lots of funerals and then my father in law passed a few weeks ago so my husband has been overseas…it was complex. But he’s home safe again, and we had a fire very near to our house while he was gone, but the fire fighters were amazing and saved our side of town. It’s just been kind of crazy, but very grateful we are well!
        It was so lovely to read your writing 🌼 as usual.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I am happy to see you safe and sound here. You have been brave. My condolences . I am sorry for all that you had to go through but that’s because you are strong and now I sense more strength in you.
        Welcome welcome back here. ❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you dear Yassy! It has been quite a year. And I had important things to learn. And other things have found resolution and healing in what has happened. It is a new chapter.
        You are so kind ❤🙏

        Liked by 1 person

      5. It’s evening here, currently 4:40pm. And very hot. It’s 40 degrees C in the shade. We are going down to the river for a dedication to a new meditation bench for those who have suffered loss through suicide. It’s a community project. But that is another conversation 🙂
        Take care Yassy 😘

        Liked by 1 person

      6. It’s 11:46 and hot as hell. Lol trying to get editing done for a few projects of others so grindstone it is.
        The river sounds relaxed. I hope people find peace , so horribly sad when people kill themselves.
        Well, bye for now. Great talking to you.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Oops! Not that song. It was this song. My apologies I had 2 windows open for music happening.

        It was this cool song.

        “Weird Al” Yankovic – Tacky

        This song will be you laugh and feel happy. Please disregard the other song I send you by Maroon 5.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Yassy. Thanks for sharing such a beautifully penned poem; so poignant and filled with such wonderful imagery. I particularly like the first line – ‘Poetry becomes my wisdom’ and the penultimate line ‘I find ” a face in poetry’. I totally empathise with these two poetic sentiments. I have reblogged your poem. Here’s the link Have a great day. Goff

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you 😊, I am so happy and honoured that like this poem.
      They are my favourite lines too !!
      Finding ‘a face in poetry ‘ is this bond I share with everyone here. It’s wonderful that you understood. I love your perception of my work. Thank you again. You have a wonderful, safe and peaceful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A warrior indeed Yassy dear, and the line where your touch turned red to blue was masterful, it was symbolic as in the earning of the medal with that touch of life. And the visual effect of the feathered pen being dipped in ink and scribed on the paper in the candlelight is something only you can put in the mind so beautifully🌹. This was amazing Yassy!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comments are so beautifully poetic. It’s like I want make a book out of all your comments on my work.
      Thank you for the goodness that you always permeate , it’s uplifting !
      Happy weekend dear JW!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your comments and surrports are what should be scripted into verses for all to see for they are inspiringly beautiful. That’s why I love when you visit my blog and I can see why Sona adores you. Lovely weekend to you too.🌹

        Liked by 1 person

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