Forever more

  • The
  • Moon peeps
  • Upon our
  • Gentle whispers
  • Where wild passions flare and bloom into
  • Emotions surrendering to love’s call-
  • A Cupid’s rite;
  • Savouring
  • Ardor’s
  • Thirst ,
  • In the warmth of your silence
  • Words come to me like starburst
  • Every word that I breathe
  • Becomes a poem :
  • Sweet incantation ,
  • Nestling your heartbeat
  • In the quickening of my pulse
  • Temptation becomes devotion.
  • Inspired by Fiery’s latest offering

    Thank you , my WordPress sibling.

    66 thoughts on “Forever more

    1. Awwww!!!

      I’m speechless and honoured and flattered and all those wonderful, blushing feelings!
      No need to thank me darling, but you’re most welcome
      This was so so very beautiful . Every word is a special treat.
      Your readers will eat this up and feel full of delicious love and wonder!
      WordPress sibling. Love that. Thank you for making me smile

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you , thank you. We all need something to keep us growing and reading your post revived the muse within, lol, dormant for sometime now.
        You keep writing and rocking WordPress!!
        And I am that all and sundry here will agree with me when I say your posts set the reader’s imagination on fire , my sweet and wise Fiery!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh okay…stop it already!!! Such beautiful compliments! !

          You’re a treasure and I appreciate you and everything you say and of course everything you pen in poetry.
          Glad I awakened your sleepy muse!!!

          Liked by 1 person

    2. β€œEvery word that I breathe becomes a poem”, β€œTemptation becomes devotion”. What powerful lines, quote Yassy Forever more. Your words always light up the sky my friend, beauty becomes your words and I also follow Fiery post as well, she really is like a Phoenix when it comes to writing, she sets the keys on fire. Lovely job to two incredible lovely ladies.🌹

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Roy , thank you for being in my world.
        I treasure you like I treasure Our Phoenix oops Fiery. Thank you for the generosity of your heart.
        Thank you for Roylistic thoughts on my work.
        Jo wo , you wow.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. And I thank you a million times for being in our world dear friend Yassy, you really light it up. Your kindness and support are amazing and we can’t thank you enough!

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, my lovely friend. You know, compliments coming from you is like getting the Pulitzer. You are the Queen of verse and your appreciation is so much appreciated! Thank you.
        I will whiz over to your page later to see your amazing work. πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—


        1. haha I love that!
          Glad you are okay sweet purveyer of scrumptious endearments πŸ™‚
          I am too, thanks. Am seeing a new doctor who is really good so getting some things on a better track. Hopefully this year will be a better one.
          Always better for reading your amazing work! πŸŽ‰

          Liked by 1 person

        2. You have me worried. But , in time you will be better , what with thus new doctor that you mention, my dear Venessa, you are going to rock. I am getting mighty positive vibes from where you are talking ! I send you warm hugs and lots and lots and lots of love. πŸ€—πŸ’– take good care and keep smiling. You always make me happy when you talk.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Awww you’re lovely.
          Please don’t worry. Like you said, things will get better, I’m more hopeful of being on the right track with this guy. Taking one step at a time.
          Thanks so much for the love!! Sending lots right back πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ€—

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh! My! Radha, I am honoured that you think so. Your heart is too generous and, I appreciate and value the noble nature of your awesome heart. God bless you and keep you in His care always !

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Love this, “Temptation becomes devotion” And devoted you are to the prose and as we to yours! Thanks for sharing, peace and blessings! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Oh, so beautiful, your poem breathes on its own. I love the image of the moon that always stands for illusion and wild desires. I like the choice of words that express the idea of calmness like “whispers” and “silence” combined with those expressing fervent desire. These lines are especially captivating:

      “In the warmth of your silence
      Words come to me like starburst
      Every word that I breathe
      Becomes a poem.”

      If only true love were so easy to find…

      Yassy, I thank you once more for the follow. I really appreciate this! However, there is a much better writer than me, whom I strongly recommend you and all your followers. It is my friend Mario Savioni. His novel “Pickles and Tarts” (very short chapters, easy to read), is a story where 54-year-old Frank has been selected by 19-year-old Nicole through a dating site. Frank looks at Nicole’s photos on the site and is attracted to her beauty. Nicole tells him she has a boyfriend and is not interested in a romantic relationship. She adds: β€œIt’s fun to talk to different people sometimes.” It is a lovely story of illusion-delusion, dream-reality, non-conformist with the Capitalist system, reflective on love, sex and human relationships in today’s world. It is profound and highly intriguing:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, thank you my good friend for your kind and generous appreciation of my work. I thank you for your time.
        I have started following Savioni. And henceforth I will take upon myself to partake of his work in my spare moments.
        Thank you again for thinking so kindly of me. Have a safe and happy weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

    5. Ya made me look! Now I follow Fiery too. This above piece is pure you. Why remain I so very unsurprised …oops, a con/scam artist says I soon will fall into a big ol’e batch of money so I must (not!) rush off and leave this treasure for a trite piece of lie painted green.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh green backs. Rich , you surely are a fortune in yourself , your good self is richly endowed with the best of human qualities, not hereof seen before.


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