Flying postmen

Air-mail service
In a wing..

Avian compass:
Homing the telegraphic

Airborne courier in 
A feathered leg.

#world war

32 thoughts on “Flying postmen

      1. Hi Yassy,
        I am hanging in there. Rough time getting steady work in the arts, as you probably know.
        I do, however, start a new job in a couple of weeks at a copy and print center near me. It is closer to my field of study then recent jobs. At least it is something.
        How are you?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Louis ,

        Good to know you are well. This field of art is a struggle , as you and I well know. But I am glad you have something new on the cards.
        Well, I am like you say, hanging in there too , hope confounds me with more hope lol !

        Liked by 1 person

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