Fun in the rain

Hither, thither, run I in the pouring rain
Pitter, patter, raindrops on me falling
Whither I sway, raintangled winds carry
Slither I, barefoot on little rivulets flowing.

Drenched, loving the rain on my skin
Quenched, the thirst of parched earth
Branched trees, kissing the cloud laden sky
Trenched fields, ready for sowing, a fresh birth.

#Lento form

64 thoughts on “Fun in the rain

  1. I wish the rain falling right now in England was the rain you speak about. After days and days of heatwaves a massive thunder and lighting storm just happened. My camera was up in my office, sadly. Beautiful poem, your Ladyship.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I was out watching the storm unfold and there was a photographic opportunity I missed when two clouds met as if to kiss. They were just heads, but had noses, lips, forehead, hair etc. – perfectly formed faces. It was a male black cloud and a female white cloud by the look of them. In seconds they became one dark grey union. Then the lightening. Honestly, the best bit of nature I’ve ever seen and I missed the shot it happened so quickly. I love clouds. ~ George

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I see a haibun in this comment of yours. You are so descriptive I could almost see them as I read lol seriously , Lord George , your vivid imagination should let you paint. How about a canvas when you don’t have the camera ??
        I kinda of like to look the lightening right in the eye. It’s brilliant electricity. And when the clouds rumble , I wait for the light. It’s all so amazing. Fantastic display in the sky. Beats everything 😊
        Be prepared next time , expecting some awesome pics on twitter.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. If only I could paint, Lady Yasmin. Apart from being useless, I’m colourblind, so anything I might ever paint would look wrong. I’m afraid it’s a camera only for me.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Personally , I feel the best pictures are the ones in black and white. Art is not about color , my dear Lord Zoolon. I think you have art in your mind and soul , that’s the reason you are an awesome musician and lyricist. And don’t ever call yourself useless omg how mean can you be to yourself. And why on earth would it look wrong to paint in whatever color you want to. It’s all in your head 😊 I wish you would think otherwise , please.
        Pardon moi, hope this doesn’t sound like a lecture.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. It doesn’t sound like a lecture at all. No worries. I’ve recently started a construction – on my homepage – a place to market limited edition photographs and coming soon the same with artists working in oils and acrylics – I have a few artists agree to work with me already. I should be able to launch it in the next couple of moths. Fingers-crossed!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. This sounds good. All this comes naturally to you , you think art , it’s your vision.
        This is the best piece of news I heard in a long time. It will be good. I know it already.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Thanks, Lady Yasmin. I’ve got to the stage of working all hours so it’s good I do things I enjoy at the same time. I think I’d go mad – madder – if I was doing anything else.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Gave up composing (after reading your brilliant description and shared) a rain poem following last nights down pour we have not had rain here for what seems like an eternity animal and human are suffering with the drought. Sunshine again today is again blistering the tar mac. A cloud poem of sorts for yourself and Zoolon? – See them scut across the sky, They have no wings but still they fly, They look like little balls of fluff, We call them clouds that fluffy stuff.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you , Chris. I love your work and I am happy and delighted with your appreciation. What better reward for slaving over this verse !!
      It’s sunny right now even though I can’t see the sun for clouds !!
      Hope you get the rains !! Till then , adios.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Takes me to times…to rains I have loved and sometimes made love in and mostly from five or six through sixteen and seventy mudpuddle-splashing and thrilling in the high cold-rain briskness and the slower and lower warm showers…Thanks, Yassy. Your memory-machine earned its pay today!

    Liked by 2 people

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