I take a pause

I take a pause
breathing in the chorus 
of nature's movement

I walk into the green of arching trees and twining brambles, 
my breath toasted by the delicate scents of hidden flowers.
Shadows whirl against swirling treetops..glowing

a golden roam guides
my steps..i sit in
a slow sunset

Birds twitter into nectar misted dew warmed by sunbeams on the 
bosom of fuschias, geraniums, marigolds and dahlias. Pungent odors
from the soil strike air...,lingering..tracing heat.

birds whistle into
the air...a sigh
breaks from my lips

Late beam of the sun touches my shoulder...soft winds croon me to 
slumber..night vanishes..silent dreams reel into morning calm
awaking release of falling stars...

dawn undresses
my dreams
spilling her

95 thoughts on “I take a pause

  1. Your words make me want to wander in nature for days! I love the way your poems have this effortlessness and breathless beauty. You paint pictures in my brain and I swear I could smell the flowers as I picture you walking. You’re incredible 😊😘❀️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh ! To walk among the trees and the blooms with my darling twin ! I can almost picture us walking two laughing siblings , your shining face with that crown of glorious hair , the tinkle of your laughter , the birds fly with us , chatting up a melody …let’s let’s …,

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ll sing your praises
    till I die
    your poetry
    part of why!

    the joy of nature
    our love for it
    the splendors
    it bestows on us
    you do it justice
    well worth the fuss
    to join in with the birds
    sing its praises
    its scents, aromas
    its proud to share
    you know,
    you taste, you smell it
    your there
    I walk with you
    in my dreams
    you, nature, me
    the perfect trio
    write on
    Precious Lady
    write on!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We are blessed to be able to enjoy it. And for those who don’t , well, it’s their loss.
        We enjoy nature and we write about it. That in itself is something to celebrate about. I thank you for being here with me !

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Your work here reminded me of poets taking a walk at the park or anywhere else.
    They sit and absorb everything around them and taking it all in.
    A pen on paper all the most beautiful words of poetry are being painted with heart and soul.
    And you my friend, did just that. Incredible!

    Liked by 1 person

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