
pain lays itself down into september's breath
i decorate my  bodice with heaven's glow
fingers push vowels into a canvas 
pulsing ruptured
pain etches plea
broken stars ignite vignette
axiomatic glimpses grace
virgin sheets
sighs ripple blue flames
charming an escape
of life's fragrances
essences burn golden
eternalizing petaled reflecions

an artist pours
her expressions---

74 thoughts on “bittersweet

    1. Ooh la la thank you , I read your last and I am going to be laughing for a long time.
      Oh well! If you could just pop in to my previous previous ‘numb to the awful’ I would be mighty glad 😁
      Thank you always for your thoughts on my work.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ah, my friend, it’s like you’ve written me today. The image you create of the poet, writing, pushing vowels into canvas (how stunning is that), is just gorgeous. Your poetry is always expressionistic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Al Pacino is pleased with my verse , so that delights me !
      Ah! Poetry is us. We truly enjoy it ! We write for the pleasure of these words that give us so much happiness ! Aly is intuitive too.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aly is so happy to be able to read, dear Yassermaid’s thoughts in word. I really love your poetry and the person you are. Here’s to poetry and tuns of happiness 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It would seem its fixed, what ever it was, very strange.

    your words sculpted, delicately, sharp, pristine, each one a piece of you!
    no smoke screen to be seen, no vignette your passion you pursue
    vented thoughtfully, leaving indentations on all opened hearts, all wanting more
    reiterated so many times, and I must again, for each word I read my heart you score
    no pain for me, but oft yours I feel, fiction, truth, to me it all feels so, so real!
    your virgin sheets confirm your purity, axiomatic beauty yours, and your words reveal
    much more, maybe more than you intended, what er, I will follow till my life is ended.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My favorite line, “fingers push vowels into a canvas”
    I found myself thinking, yes, yes I do. How do you manage to express what I feel but can’t put into words?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your amazing thought.
      I think we are all connected in some way or the other. Call it a bonding of kindred souls. WP is a great community of like minded people and I am lucky and honored to be appreciated by the likes of you.
      Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person