Reflections Of You

I look in the mirror
and see reflections of
everyone I know here..

In my own humble way, i say thank you to all who read
and comment on my work..every person that I follow here
has enriched my life.I thank you for that.
warm regards to all..happy blogging..

52 thoughts on “Reflections Of You

      1. Are you?
        Hahaha Ewwwww. I’ve never been game to try it…it’s Scottish…sheep’s offal cooked in the stomach…eg, the liver, heart etc cooked in stomach casing with other things, no doubt. How are they making it?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I have grown as a writer and as a human being after being on WP. In gratitude , i have written this post. You have great posts ! Best to you in all your endeavours , Ali!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Milady Yassy, a beauty is held by those who knows its truth. Yes when you know and keep, beauty is none other but yours and yours alone. Such reflections says you are loved.

    Liked by 1 person

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