
I lay me down to sleep
cocooned in a thistledown
quilting a rumination
that teases my restlessness
a zephyr murmurs
perceptions permeating my being
taking me to the edge of a light
the darkness inks my spirit
forging poesies into my heart
as night breathes its nuances
into my intropsections
pushing dreams into oblivion
a moment hung in eternity
in a finite space of time
I still embrace my dreams..

I feel the desolation of a universe
that is so alive, even as the night sky
sings an ode to the stars and the moon
the milky way echoes
the song of my dreams..

68 thoughts on “ruminations

  1. I got swayed towards a moist cottony world
    So fluffy and light yet so heavy and dark
    The universe stirs with the dreams you spin
    Your own heart silently after a dream that once has been

    Did I get it right?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This captures so well how we all feel about our dreams.
    We hold them tight and dear.
    And even though infinity emptiness of the universe may tug at us,
    we can never give them up

    Liked by 1 person