
Dawn breaks over the eastern sky
Flocks of birds beginning to fly.
To the stars and the moon a goodbye.

All nocturnal life on standby
Till the sun sets again on the horizon.
Dawn breaks over the eastern sky.

Out of slumber,light comes to pacify.
Night shadows retreating,disappearing
To the stars and the moon a goodbye.

Chirping on my window sill ,a magpie
Cuckoo cooing,sparrows looking for twigs
Dawn breaks over the eastern sky.

Nature in its force,the creator to glorify
Spring is in the air,wind stirring the trees
To the stars and the moon a goodbye

The sun seems to blaze down,electrify
Heat and light,life to multiply
Dawn breaks over the eastern sky
To the stars and the moon a goodbye.

11 thoughts on “verve

  1. beautiful yas.
    I would like to ask one thing.
    like in Sanskrit and Hindi literature there are styles of poetry. many times the style is named after the number of lines used in each paragraph.
    Now in this, each paragraph except the last one is having three lines.
    is due to some particular form of writing a poetry ??

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