In The Quietness

in the quietness 
the evening dewdrops fall
soothing languid leaves
moonbeams pierce the gloaming;
i write a poem for you
I love Margaret from Soulfood101blog’s take on my poem She writes., her soulful verse is below 
darkness falls 
nourishment draws
me closer to you
stars shine bright
outlines of you ..

87 thoughts on “In The Quietness

      1. Oh, it’s lovely out there in the rain. There’s a metal roof over our deck and the sound of rain falling on that roof is one of my greatest pleasures! Thank you for your thoughts and your beautiful words!

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      2. I can hear the pitter patter of rain drops. I like the smell of earth as it soaks up the rainy dew. How beautiful is that. I can feel the laden with rain zephyr embrace your hair ..
        Thank you for the beautiful poetry. I feel great talking to another poetess who understands the power of the natural elements..

        You are welcome, Camilla, have yourself a gorgeous weekend.

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      1. You are most welcome dearest Yassy 🙂 It is storming here right now. Lightning, thunder and pouring rain. Storms at night use to make me uneasy but now they are quite soothing. The winds caressing everything. The tinkling of the rain drops as they cover everything. The amazing light show that the lightning creates. Quite the display that nature puts on 🙂

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      2. Storms are like fireworks in the sky. You must not be scared. It is just nature going a little berserk lol 😂 rain cools and soothes . You enjoy this, Maggie. Yes, quite the display that nature puts on. Well said 🤗

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    1. Thank you , Lia. It’s not exactly a collaboration where two writers plan out every word. On my page, poetry just happens and I like to give credit where it’s due.
      And finally, I think , it’s all about my love for poetry .. yay .. thank you girl for stopping by my blog. So love your visits.


      1. Yes I figured it was from a comment thread that was being featured! It’s beautiful and very life-giving. I’m not great at comments but loved the read! xoxo

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      2. Yeah.. poetry has to come naturally and you more than anyone can understand that. Whatever I do most with other poets here are mostly comment threads which read so beautifully well ..anyhoo 🤗❤️ ciao , Lia .. hope you are sleeping well my friend.


      3. Your kind vibes and soul honey are the sweetest thing and exactly what I need right now. I’m at my mom’s place and it’s been sold and I have to let go. It’s hard wrenching. I love your comment threads it’s pure mastery in flow (the way you let them just be and flow and blossom and grow). Thanks dear yasmin, yes dear friend I shall have a wonderful sleep. Much much love xoxo <33

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      4. You inspire goodness in others , that’s all I can say. It’s easy being friends with you. Your soul is pure and precious, you are real and that’s what I like about you. There’s no fake here. That’s why I can connect with you. Thanks so much for your comment. Your comment is poetry. Makes me smile. ..

        You are brave and you have to be more courageous for your mom. I think you will do it. You are strong. I can feel that in your poetry. A lioness at heart. Bravo cheers xoxo

        Have a good night’s sleep. May you dream beautiful.. am singing you a lullaby .. 🤗❤️


      5. Your comment has just brought me to tears… but in a really good way… likewise to you… it’s a beautiful thing when souls can connect at the level of source. It’s been a tearful evening for me and yet I have so very much to be grateful for. My family’s kindness and courage is partly here but it’s also a moveable feast. Thank you and sweet day to you and I’ll be listening to your lullaby in spirit this bonne nuit. 😚😇🙏 xoxo <33

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      6. Let me wipe those tears from your debtor soul.. we are two spirits flying across the cosmos and we let our tears make a bridge between us .. we tread this transparent path to an infinite bond .. your family is upon backbone and you are theirs so it’s all a beautiful blessing that we can weep about and feel the gratitude.
        You take yourself off to slumber. Let the weariness seep away and a new dawn makes its way to light up your beautiful soul. The angels guard your dreams and may you have the sweetest of dreams. A bonne nuit to you .. the moon awaits you.. go 😘


      7. “we tread this transparent path to an infinite bond” – wondrous. Moonglow and starlight, traveller’s delight into the sweet cusp of midnight. Bious bijou, trésor, amour, et à un autre jour <33

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      8. Mon très cher ami, que la nuit te retienne doucement dans un lumiere jusqu’ a ce que les rayons du soleil rechauffent les paupieres..


  1. Dear Yassy!!This short poem is most lovely as drowned in the pond of intoxicated something.the thoughts in the poem are mesmerizing me.Really,is it dedicated to Margret?Weldon,my dear Yassy!!❤️🤗❤️🌹😘🌹Rat bhi he kuch bhigi bhigi……💕💕💕💕💕💕

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      1. Plz,no marking the black heart’s sign.I am your lovely Chinar 🍁🍁🍁🍁You make me the special one as I make you to my lovely singing Tulip.🌷

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay sweetie pie no problem no black heart. It’s just a color , a color. Didn’t know tulips could sing 🎤 that’s a new one for moi hehe 😜
        💜🩷❤️🩵💙🧡💜💛💜💚🩶💗💞💝💖❣️🤎 lol 😝


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