Perfecting The Darkness

Perfecting darkness
The night;
I hear it
I touch it...

The night turns alabaster in the moon's warm embrace entwining silver rays on a fluid rhythm of sparkling novae..Baroque stars circle moon...platinum gilted wrapping Lazhward fire of an ancient dappled night
Plumeria scents entice, permeating lilting dew drops dancing like nymphs in fragrant glossed time-worn skies.

Tinseled runes murmur
A poem whispers
Sleeping leaves scatter

Glimmering stars devour shadows of fog into an auric spell. Starbeams' mystic light echoes in the quilting of solace I find in my own embrace.

My refugee heart takes refuge in poetry. Time stops. I am asleep and awake at the same time.

On nimble feet
I tiptoe
Pirouetting like
A ballerina
Turning my night to a Sonata
The ink blurs into a Vivaldi sonnet.

I breathe the whole night in one breath......

64 thoughts on “Perfecting The Darkness

  1. Oh wow, you are so gifted, Yassy…these lovely lines are so sublime, and they lift me during the wee hours before I go to bed. Thank you for being here, for sharing your incredible poetic words ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Breathing the whole night in one night, beautiful crescendo Yassy. A symphony of effortless movements within the darkness creating a pyrotechnic of poetic light that can be read for miles. Wonderfully worded and marvelously marked Yassy.🌹

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Transcendent and dreamlike, your words waft into the night air with flashes of images, colors and smells that entice the mind. It is all so beautifully written that it is hard to pick a favorite passage, but I do love the last stanza. And the last line is just exceptional in the feeling you convey. Well done, Yassy!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for a wonderful beautiful comment on my work. You just made my weekend beautiful, my good friend .,
      Be well. Take good care of yourself.,


    1. Oh! A thank you won’t suffice to tell you how mighty touched I am by your words. You are unique , Michele. No one ever said that to me before .. I am way beyond grateful. I think your words just filled up my quill with inspiration..🤗🤗


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