When Death Becomes

When bombs fall from from wailing skies
And bloodied feet mourn as earth cries
Cerise soil turns its trembling roots
To bury human ashes burned to soots
When bullets pierce the deep of your heart
When life ebbs flowing out your veins depart
Still, men gang around tables and, plot
Them miscreants, the fires of unrest fan
Their guns and rifles treat human life like trifles
Down here there are no dreams to be dreamed of
I just hope that when death comes, it's going to lay me soft.

118 thoughts on “When Death Becomes

    1. You are right , Maggi. It’s all so complicated, no? And yes, love is easy , as you say and it is draining when all these negative emotions take over.
      I wish your words could be read by people all over the world ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. One would think that people would know this from their own feelings/experience. Even if they only felt one moment of love in their life they would know the peace, joy, happiness it brought. One would also think that we would do everything to feel that all the time. On the other hand the hate is misery, and why would we want to feel one second of that? Yes anger gets the best of me sometimes. Not trying to make out like I am love and light ALL the time. BUT when it starts creeping in I do everything possible to drown it out. For I know it will bring me nothing but pain, sadness, nothing productive, nothing prosperous, and it never ends well for any party involved. Wrapping you in big hugs my dear, dear Sister πŸ™‚

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I totally agree, wholeheartedly in tune with your words.
        So beautifully said.. sweet wisdom from a heart so pure.
        Thank you my soul sister from across the cosmos β€οΈπŸ€—πŸ€—sending you so many hugs πŸ€—

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautifully written Yassy….deep words….wonderful message…it reminds me of the song Zombie…

    Hey I need your help,
    I’m requesting you to check the below link & please write your comment. Previously I had contacted you to re-follow me after I migrated my site as my followers (including yourself) weren’t receiving the notification when I was publishing the post. Unfortunately, the issue hasn’t been resolved yet & this is my last try.

    Please do mention in your comment / feedback that you did not receive any notification (if you haven’t) and I’ve personally contacted you with the link to read my post, such that WP can read & hopefully troubleshoot the issue. Your feedback will help me in taking the decision.

    Thank you kindly in advance πŸ™βœ¨


    Liked by 3 people

    1. No, Navin I don’t get your posts on my reader ..
      Thank you for updating me on this problem you are facing. I hope the WordPress team handles this fast. It’s very irksome if something like this happens.
      Don’t you worry, Navin. At some point or the other most of us here have faced these issues.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That is my hope for us both, Yassy. You write so beautifully, piercing the heart’s depths. I don’t want you to be sad…but you may notice my last post indicates I’ll soon be leaving the blog world. I will not stop praying for you, and thinking of you–you are dancing in my heart forever. Much love, Rhen ❀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have turned off comments on your post so I have to beg you to change your mind.. I respect your thoughts about leaving the blog , whatever the reasons so maybe I too will leave .. I am so tired of everything.
      Where can I catch you after you leave here? You can’t just not be in touch anymore .. you could mail me at khan.yasmin7@gmail.com


  3. Sometimes outside death
    Remains as shadows of fear
    Inside death is sure

    First hard to believe
    Symptons begging denial
    Until they can’t be

    Grabbing bits of life
    Chewing them then swallowing
    Leaving less each time

    Many witnesses
    Smile stiffly and hold your hand
    They see you going

    Liked by 4 people

  4. You see the world in such an amazing way. In these few lines you’ve convinced us of its futility so influentially, and then as the finale slowly creeps in, you leave us gasping for breaths. That’s how breathtaking and awestriking and dumbfounding this poem was. Wow Y! You’ve left my jaw dropped. I wonder if it’ll ever go back where it used to be.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You use “it’s” twice in this poem. “It’s” is a contraction of “it is”. Therefore, “it’s going”, but the other instance should be “its roots” for the possessive form.

    I did, however, enjoy the poem.

    Liked by 2 people

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