A Quiet World

Sits in
Of a melting 
Burning, solstice strain
As daggers of time pierce
The fortitude of her wounds
Tainting the purity of her
Coherent thoughts, she sews her bruises
With the sharp edge of poetic pressure.

Speak of hurt
That runs too deep
To articulate
Is easy face to face
Strength of words guides the lonely
To ink pages with threads of breath
Like the sweet comfort of long lost dreams
The certainity of an absolute love.

# Etheree poem.

Von Smith’s spontaneous response to my Etheree

A Silent End

Stands by
For the first sounds
Through winter's darkness
Thinking of spring to come
No longer feeling hope for now
In scars of yesterday's failed dreams
Though they bulge on his face flaming red
He closes his eyes to the memories.

His impulse
His first instinct
To cry out in pain
For all others to see
When his inner dark chanting
Leaves no trace of his cold sad path
No tragic footprints they can follow
To the edge of the cliff at his heart's end.

109 thoughts on “A Quiet World

  1. A Silent End

    stands by
    for the first sounds
    through winter’s darkness
    thinking of Spring to come
    no longer feeling hope for now
    in scars of yesterday’s failed dreams
    though they bulge on his face flaming red
    he closes his eyes to the memories

    his impulse
    his first instinct
    to cry out in pain
    for all others to see
    when his inner dark chanting
    leaves no trace of his cold sad path
    no tragic footprints they can follow
    to the edge of the cliff at his heart’s end

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is awesomely beautiful. Beautifully heartbreaking, it’s poignancy fills me up.
      Look, I told you , you could write and you need no picture to prove it. You are Great on your own.
      Don’t you see, Von?

      Liked by 2 people

  2. There’s an old saying, ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. It’s saying that a metaphor and a truth can be the same thing. Your poem made me think about it. Rare words, just like yours Yasmin. You just wrote a classic ~ George

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for asking. I am feeling much better although the cough won’t go away. Now my mother tells me she has got it, and she smokes so you can imagine what she’s going though. It seems the whole town has it except for those like my father who had a flu jab. I wish I’d bothered to have the jab.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Brad.
      I posted Von’s with mine because it was spontaneous and not planned , I rather not do collabs, I write for the pure joy of writing and maybe just a little bit of unburdening my heart.
      thank you 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No, I’m handing it off to you, sweetheart–I’m having to take it easy, as I was sick all weekend and am having a lot of pain. OR…we could both do it–maybe a collaboration?? 🙂 Love you ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, you know–I’m “old”, and when I get stressed (physically or mentally) the pain issues demand I rest. But no worries, God takes good care of me! And my spirits are high, so that’s the important thing–Now, let’s both see what we can come up with on a poem we can post on both our blogs!!


  3. Here’s my (haiku) start, Yassy: “Whole rainbow of hearts

    Fly, December souls, hands joined

    Watch Love reign on Earth”

    Let’s see what you got! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Katey and your heart is beautifully generous. Love your soul , so great to connect with you , maybe that is the reason I began to write again. Life gets too depressing sometimes.

      Liked by 1 person

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