When Death Sings A Lullaby

Death  comes upon them
Finite, infinite, definite
Pain and loss huddle into 
A grieving mass of broken hope.

Wondering what they did wrong..
When bombs drown their cries
The blood wipes away their tears
To be alive is to be broken
To be alive is to be wounded
That when they come from the sky
They come from the ground
They hit where it hurts the most
Taking away what you love the most

While the bigwigs sit and talk away at big tables
Drinking from the cup of blood

The universe is frightened
And the stars wonder
Why has man turned from human to beast?

141 thoughts on “When Death Sings A Lullaby

      1. I know yassy. I was thinking along similar lines earlier today when actually sitting out in the countryside and heard gunshots!

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  1. The ego of man that has tasted blood of another only grows deeper for more knowing full well all the human blood will never quench his thirst so he selfishly decides he might as well make as many as possible suffer along with him.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I promise you don’t want to write like me, Yasmin. You’d get fed up with all the spell-checks I have to do. Besides, you know how to write. I make it up as I go along ~ George

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Of course I check my spelling too, George. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It seems so effortless, your writing. Well, you are one modest guy . You do write about social causes , I guess it inspired me to write one.


  2. Reblogged this on janbeek and commented:
    Why do their have to be wars? There has always – from that first forbidden fruit to the present day been sin. Sometimes it causes us to be more beastly than the beasts! Where has the love gone in our humanity? Yassy says it best in this poem:

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So sad Yassy – I think some men have always been beasts – our problem is that they are the ones likely to move to powerful positions – or maybe it is moving into powerful positions that turn them. If they gave these sorts of orders from a back room of a bar they would called psychopaths and locked up 😞

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nothing worse than man’s inhumanity to man. It doesn’t matter to them, those that are injured in their wake to monetary gain. Greed and power are evil and addictive to some.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Feasting on the meat of malice, vegetables of vengeance and the wine of wars at the dinner table of destruction, humanity often fights for power that they can never truly posses because it’s always up for grabs. Yassy my dear, your writing is so politically correct and can be used as a teaching message for those who use greed and ego instead of their hearts. Don’t ever change lovely.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Joker, your thoughts on this make for an awesome post of your own. You know, you should post this comment as an independent post , maybe add some more stuff, you are very wise and clever and I want all here to partake of your wonderful brain, you brainiac sparkler.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I merely ride the streams and revere of your rainbow lovely. Your inspiring words brings out the speaker in others, you are poetically motivating Yassy. Definetly not the speaker you are but sharing the same sentiments is common.🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, thank you. I still think you should do it. Anyways, I headed over to your blog and then Sona’s. Looks like you two are so busy with each other you haven’t posted in a while.
        Wow hunkydory. Sending you both smiles and hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeah. I’m coming out with something soon and she has just received one of the highest medal of honors from the college for her exemplified teaching achievements. I’m so happy for her, so we were celebrating that as well.
        A million hugs from us both back to you Yassy, we love you dear.🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Big congrats to your golden girl , I think this love has done wonders for you both and good things are happening. Sona is talented and she richly deserves these accolades. Bravo and kudos to you both.

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  6. Your powerful words have certainly heightened my already deep concerns about the horrors being unleashed within the beleaguered, war zone nations spanning our globe… all because some inhumane, bloodthirsty bigwigs have flipped their wigs.

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    1. And so we write , Tom. Because we are all concerned and nothing can be done. There’s already been so much destruction, I fear and so I write and I know people like you understand.

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      1. I do understand and agree that writing is therapeutic. Now, if only our words could inspire the peaceful deeds of the bigwigs. Your proximity to these war torn regions has got to be unnerving to you and your compatriots. Stay out of harm’s way, yassy.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Peaceful deeds, indeed lol , yes, it takes strong nerve to be able to stomach scenes of death and destruction, sad and sorry for mama earth .
        Thank you, Tom .


  7. Powerful poetry. When you can fuse the eternal fire of the stars with the anguish of current events, you can make a poem and the meanings of the poem explode into consciousness. That’s what you achieve here. I came on this through the Becoming is Superior to Being site. I am glad I did.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on richwrapper and commented:
    Yassy: the duality and incongruity – in order to save the (village, town, city, country, world) we had to destroy it. When I walked ahead of point, taking pictures and later joking with my subjects “yeah, I wanted to get your last second on earth just right for your momma to see the surprise on her son’s face” we’d later almost all agree this fine day-trip would end in a whisker of time should we force both sides’ leaders to walk with me ahead of point and see the pain and fear and feel the unimaginable rush of adrenalin which makes all colors vibrate and all smells alive and both joy and terror meld in a moment which lasts eternities. What we – both sides – could have accomplished with books and games and hammers and shovels instead of mortars and maylay swings and human waste-dipped bamboo stakes and matty mattel m-sixteens. But that is like asking for a real Saint Nick…who, after all was patron of thieves. This all – in your wonderful poem – has gone on as if the great wheel cannot get unstuck until we all someones decide not to travel that path alone or alonetogether.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Your presence – and your works-with-words-on-top are the blessings you so freely dispense not just to me and my glad heart but so many who come to see and – yes – hear those words resonate inside themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think you are mankind’s best and wonderful example of gentlemanly behaviour.
        And your speech is pure and wise and falls on the ear like violins delight and the eye is mighty glad to read these pearls of wisdom.
        Thank you , Rich.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Now I will have to engage the universe’s largest steam shovel to find purchase to the crisp air of unpraise so unrichly deserved by the not-guilded but pure golden tongue of Lady Yassy of the Many Guilded Words’ words. I am awe-struck. And, because I was but 19 years of age when they asked me to consider going to officer’s school after my Parris Island Marine Corps enlisted recruit training experience was complete – and could not comply with their earnest entreaties to join their exalted clan of Ossiferishness and thus by mine own United States Congress proclaimed a Gentleman in Law and In Fact – de jure and defacto – I must demure, my so o’erpraising Lady Yassy, that I to such lofty honor not claim, either by spurs or shield so artfully wrought and sigiled. But by my mother I was taught – I said threatened and she laughed – that were I not courtly and of whatever assistance required a gentleman by deed (and sometimes by word) she’d come back to haunt and hit with her most vile threat: no birthday waffles for breakfast and blueberry pie for dessert (and all the rest that day, too!) and thus my shameful secret is out: I am by gentleman most-bribed by gracious ladies such as yourself. And even though that good lady be gone I yet remain quailed by those dread threats. So, you must see, my dear, my claim to such honor as you bestow at best but a shadow. I am cad. And I know’t! I work through dissimulation and best to weave this canard you see before you. I was tutored by no marquis, be they Queensbury or no – and failed to stay awake when I deemed time to sleep regardless of what tin cans surrounded me…unless they held good tuna and I could find or fashion a method to make mayonnaise, sweet and dill relish and onion and celery with parsley and dill to make a wonderful salad sandwich – with cheese and dill pickle slices: and, m’dear no gentleman I when presented with what the English mis-name “crisps” and I call “chips” and with a tumbler tall filled right up with tooth-tingling ice cold full-fat milk, I’d trammel you to mud to get to the table first. So, there! My shame is found.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. To sad and really truthful to the core.

    From beginning, middle, and end. Brilliantly dark.

    The question in the end:

    “Why has man turned from human to beast?”

    Someone told me this quote and it stuck with me since. I don’t know who the name of the author said this.

    ‘History doesn’t repeat itself, man repeats history.”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A remarkable work. Such passion for the subject matter. Mankind gets worse the better ‘his’ armoury evolves. The survial of the fitest trumped by the survial of those who hold the guns. A terrible shame. ‘Tis good to read your work once more. Regards, The Old Fool

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  12. I have observed this in life; whenever a man is overpowered, or given freedom and isn’t watched, the beast in them just comes out.
    World will be so.

    When we are given a chance, what we can do is, just ‘help’.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. A very moving and, unfortunately, real read. So sad what children and adults across the world are exposed to when the overwhelming majority of us just want peaceful, loving lives.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We wage wars and kill ourselves to acquire wealth and power, then blame it on death. But Nature/Universe is there starring at us with pity, while rubbing its immortality on all our faces.

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  14. as we came from the sky we came from the ground, indeed we were trapped in a perplexing state of being with no definition since the first cry.


  15. Isaiah 2:4 He will render judgment among the nationsAnd set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowsharesAnd their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation,Nor will they learn war anymore

    One day soon wars will be a thing of the past. It is a learned behavior. Or taught. We are not naturally made that way. I look forward to the time all wicked will be gone from the earth and it will be filled with ones who have Love as their dominate quality

    Liked by 1 person

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