When silence becomes seduction

In the stillness of waiting
I build my temple of words
In the sacred confines
Where blood flows in blodroots halo
Spirit's strength serves survival.

When silence becomes seduction
I bring forth from the safety of my bosom
Truth's tender fidelity
Disciplining delirium in my mind
As nib sculpts silhouettes
Of holographic dna
Carving words out of misery
Igniting auras of fantasy
Almost supernatural
In the spaces of time..infinitisimal
A promise of charismatic magnetism
Like jasmine scent on my breath

In my hourglass of volatile sensiblities
My heartbeat waits for salvation..

The cosmos does not answer...

Inspired by the movie Bladerunner 2049

79 thoughts on “When silence becomes seduction

  1. Magnificent poetry yassy. There is something different to be be found each time I read it. I always think there is great poetry to found in silence and you found some in yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you are right , Davy. Silence is also eloquence. Somethin unsaid , that weighs heavily. I think we as writers can feel the weight of unsaid words. I think silence says many things. I like the way you have taken this so philosophically.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As usual, great use of words. I was thinking about going to the movie, however, I find that any movie longer than 2 hours taxes my” suspension of belief” quota. At some point, I come back to the reality that I am sitting in a movie theatre, not immersed in the make-believe world of the film.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, to tell you the truth , I am not much of a moviegoer myself but sometimes it’s nice to chill. And it was a very long movie. I got restless towards the end lol but as I began writing this piece I felt the scenes in my mind. It’s a very futuristic film. You know sometimes it’s nice to escape reality 😎
      Well, thank you 😊 so much for reading my work. I so much appreciate your thoughts.


  3. Didn’t need to see the film yet to feel where you’re coming from. Very lonely space, where outsiders roam and try desperately to communicate with ether cradling our hearts. Ver honest work.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hi yassy. i thought i would comment in this other poem you wrote about silence. i hope your recent silence poem was nothing to do with me. it is a beautiful poem though which i can also relate to often.

    it has been a rough month. i won’t burden you with my petty problems. i have been very distracted recently by many things. i still try to make it to sunset but even that has been an effort at times.

    i have not posted anything in a while or had time to work on the choir playlist. i have been pretty abscent from the net recently. hope you are well and feeling good.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Again, you amaze your readers with the depth and conjuring of the unexpected. The beautiful words are loosely woven together, allowing the reader to find their own truths between the words. Another exceptional example of your gift for writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like it when my readers find their own perceptions in my verse. To delve into one’s soul and find meaning through another person’s words , that is wonderfully inspiring and beautiful.
      Thank you , Brad.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your words seem to fall into place together like they were always meant to be there, everything feels meticulously placed and paced and yet still completely natural. And… The bladerunner sequel surprised me. It was the film I didn’t want to like, but I ended up enjoying it almost as much as the original.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, when I went into the theatre to watch it , I didn’t know what to expect but I was completely floored. It was ethereally creative , I think must times we are done with the mundane, and I was blissfully surprised and lol I wanted to watch it again but it had gone from the theatres by then.

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