A happy heart

I cannot be sad for too long
Fate simply cannot keep me down
My heart always comes up with a song
I wear optimism like a crown.

Life is but a short lived boon
Hardships have made me plucky
I forgive and forget too soon
I call myself happy go lucky.

My cheerfulness sometimes puts people off
They ask me, “why do you laugh and smile so much”
My light-heartedness makes them scoff
Sorrow is there, it will always touch.

But I feel fortunate and blessed
When I look around and see so much unrest.

101 thoughts on “A happy heart

  1. That was so uplifting 🙂 But positive people puzzle me. I am very happy for them, but I do not necessarily want to meet them early in the morning 😉 . I am a ‘glass is half empty’ kind of girl.

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    1. Can’t cry cos I am not going to be gettin any sympathy , I realize people don’t want to hear your woes, so maybe tears are for my pillow , but I am glad if you felt a little happy reading this. Oh! I like to watch the sun coming up in the morning , nah, don’t want to meet anyone anytime , lol I go with a bottle of water , am a water thirsty kinda , 😛

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      1. Oh I also like to watch the sun come up in the morning – in silence 🙂 The only ones allowed to chirp in the mornings are the birds 😀
        So even people with a bottle filled with water have woes…. who knew. I always assumed everything just slid off of their backs.

        I did indeed get happy reading your poem. 🙂

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      2. Yes yes , only birds allowed , lol no bees up that early , definitely no people . Woes just slide off the back of my hand, after gulping enough water to drown in , I keep a full glass in my balcony for the birds 🐦, you know why ? Bye. Thanks for the smiles. See you around 🤓

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  2. This is admirable Yassy! I laugh easily, but sometimes too easily, I’ve avoided important things because of it. I’m glad you don’t change your nature for scoffers! (Just so long as you don’t trivialise your own pain.) I agree that gratefulness is powerful! (I feel this is disjointed, but I hope you get what I mean…perspective, haha that’s the word!)

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  3. Yassy, you’re like air in my lungs, you know that? Your poetry is so perfect, light, inspiring, and fills me with hope and light. I love it. I am so very glad I found you. Your words and kindness inspire me to keep embracing my life – good and bad. Thank you for that. Thank you for being such a beautiful woman!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg you say the sweetest of things. Dana, my breath of fresh air , you ! Pure oxygen delight , yay 😊! Ah. Oh. You say such wonderful things. I feel so so nice . Your posts make me sit up and think , wow, what the hell, here is a gal who rocks it, and tells it so beautifully, hey listen girl, I gotta thank you. God bless WP for throwing us together. Yippee. Take good care of yourself Beautiful. My Dana , with her beautiful mind.

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      1. That is fantastic!!!!!! You are some kind of a genius , only you don’t know it, it manifests itself like this , stupendous energy activated in those lively lovely cells in your wonderful body. I can’t even begin to imagine this night hike. Wish I were there. Dana. You make me proud , girl. 👏🏻

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      2. Aww damn girl, you are making me blush, laugh, smile, and say stop, you must understand, I haven’t found my glasses in two weeks 🤣🤣 the hike was incredible. There were pockets of cool air, that made me feel light, then random pockets of warmth that made me feel embraced. In many spots, the stars were so prominent, and the sky was painted with wispy clouds – like gentle brush strokes. I met new people, I allowed myself to be myself, I was given some new resources for meditation and study. I realize now, reflecting, most of the people who I spoke with were enamored with me, and I find it baffling. The cool thing is that the hike leader is seemingly taking me under his wing to teach me how to backpack. He said he can tell I’m a born badass backpacker. I told him all I want to do is live, so fuck yeah hahahaha

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      3. I told ya , you ooze confidence and warmth that people naturally gyrate towards you. Enjoy that sweetie. Ah. You give great vibes to all who know you, look at me , tell me , abou t this hike leader, hope he’s got good chemistry , you ll be doing biology in the forest lol. Why the hell di you find that baffling if men like you. Lol. You need to take a good look at yourself ,lady. Ooh my! A lovely lass with a lot of class. Bravo Dana.

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      4. I will admit, I started crushing on him immediately! He is from Ireland. I love a man with a brogue!!! He was telling me about growing up in Belfast. Then we were talking about a backpacking trip he did – 60 miles to a music festival. I told him that sounds like heaven to me. He’s doing a beginners backpacking trip in April, and he said I’m coming, and he’ll lend me a backpack if he needs to hahaha. I am grinning from ear to ear typing to you about it. I’ve been so isolated – staying home, in my mind, etc. To be around people, especially people who embraced me immediately, it felt amazing. I was so scared, Yaz, just – “can I keep up? I’ve never done a hike with people before, I only started hiking a few days ago…I smoke, what if I can’t handle it!” I pulled in, my heart was racing, and you know “maybe I should turn around, this was a mistake” and I just said “Dude, knock it off!!! You are either going to start living, or you can keep dying…” I got out, and did it. 6 miles, and I was towards the front of the hike, not the back. The “usual gang” said my pace was awesome, and they could tell I’m a natural. A bunch of them said “you are coming back, right? we need you” hahahaha To the baffling part, I think there are many years of bad training still in my brain. I loved my ex deeply, but he trained me in “Not good enough” no matter what I did or changed, he wanted more and gave less. For two years, I chased my tail between him and the next man I had fallen in love with, and I allowed so much pain into my existence. I look back on that time, and I see a woman I don’t know anymore, and I am glad for it. Back to the Irishman, he made me laugh. A man who makes me laugh charms me immediately. I was telling him the story of my tattoos (I impulse got my two wrists done) and that was when he said – that’s it, you’re backpacking with me and you can’t say no. You like the pain! My tattoo artist told me “You are a masochist!” The way he talked about backpacking, being immersed? that like a hershey kiss you packed for yourself is the best thing in the world after hiking for 20 miles in the rain? I dig it. I’m so excited.

        I get what you are saying though. The me I was last night is the me I have always been, but it gets muddied by being miserable. I realized that – thanks in part to your kind words – if I let me radiate, I will receive so much back. It’s fun to not wear a mask, and just be “nuts” ;P

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      5. Omg. Irish. Ooh. I dig Irish. He must be cool. I can see it. Forget x,y,z. , you are going to be doing this girl. I can feel this. It’s rocking, you can tell immediately if you can hit it off or not. Omg. I am so excited for you. Listen, you are going for that next hike , even if it to the end of nowhere. Yay. Ah. Finally. Yes. Yes yes. Dana, happy. My twin happy. Me , delirious


  4. my life yes happy
    pessimistic sometimes why
    go jump 20′ land safely

    optimism part of me
    walk around avoid danger
    love an exception
    as someone correctly said
    climb swim for truelove i would

    well wrote precious words
    they keep our souls alive
    ware your crown with pride

    my life had I chose
    would be the same as now
    full optimistic

    your emotions
    again you have exposed
    a life to follow

    Mick ☺

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      1. That’s myself and my kinda personality and people usually ask me, “why do you laugh and smile so much” 😀 and I always reply that “I’m born happy”

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    1. Thank you 😊 Robbie , for thinking of me, I actually don’t participate in these things , I write for the love of writing, I don’t mean to hurt you or anyone , it’s just that I am happy to be. Hope you understand, I know you will ! Have a gorgeous weekend.


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