an autumn strain

I set off on one of my dreams
under sunlight’s pale golden beams
meandering tawny meadows
looking for harvest gold rainbows
reflections in gurgling brooks, streams.

Trees preparing to bare their soul mm
cascading leaves, russet, brown, fold
to lay down a carpet of gold
a nip in the air warmness stole
nature hibernates as I stroll.

43 thoughts on “an autumn strain

  1. that was a fun thing about doing sunsets the past couple years. i got to see the seasons change day to day. i would be outside for a couple hours nearly every day no matter what the weather was. I would always dress for it but would still feel the cold and heat and whatever else. to me it is refreshing to be out during sunset.

    beautiful autumn poem. i used to walk the woods daily at sunset for years and have that burned in my mind step by step throughout the year. the tall trees are so lovely with the sun setting through them. they knew me.

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      1. i could do without the snakes and biting bugs. i am often nursing bug bites. that is one nice thing about winter. the snakes and bugs go away for awhile. at least around here.

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  2. I tell you what, Yasmin. I’ve just got back from watching the ‘1917’ movie. It is probably the most complete cinematic piece I’ve ever seen across all genres, then some. WW1 backdrops of landscapes ruined by war. This poem of yours is it’s opposite. A landscape left alone the way it should be…like your poem is the counterbalance ~ George

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  3. “Trees preparing to bare their soul”. The colorful festive season of Fall is what I’m reminded of and how beautiful nature changes its environment for us. This poem was lovely Yassy and the constant flow of rhyme was like a gentle wind of undisturbed poetic leafs fluttering over the minds eye. Nature is you.🌹

    Liked by 2 people

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