
I exist 
in the
of my

58 thoughts on “Footnote

    1. Thank you , Sona.

      That is so sweet 🥲 of you ! We all in some way or the other helped each other through the darkness..

      You have been my light
      Sparkling bright
      Darkness shies away
      Poetry is our mainstay.

      I learned to be strong from you, Sona.


      1. You are welcome, Sona.

        Come what may, our faces are always touched by the sun and butterflies grace our boudoir.

        I am well, thank you ❤️


      2. Hey Yassy , I started a new blog recently. It would be nice if you would check it out. I can’t bring myself to post on my old blog as there are too many memories.
        I am still writing love poems though, the sweet happy types. Sharing the link below. Hope u like it☺️

        Liked by 1 person

      1. You have shown me heaven
        With verses you have written
        Your gift is divine ,inherently driven
        You, Goddess Divine, of generous disposition
        You are tall in spirit and beautifully soulful
        The spectacular gift you bequeath us .. a Lee ambrosial. ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I stopped for a visit, knowing your words for the masses would be splendid. You’ve given me so much more than I could have ever hoped or wished for – sweet nectar for my soul. Every bite, I shall savor. It is here, floating in syrupy sweetness, I wish to linger. 🥰🙏🏻

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I think I missed your presence on my blog more than ever. Reconnecting with my soul sister and friend across the aether is like finding myself again. It’s not only the sweet honesty of your words but there’s this all encompassing feeling of comfort that I feel when I see you here.

        A thank you from me 🤗
        Dear Lee 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It has been too long, soul sister, since we last exchanged poetic letters. Sprinkled with the light of stars, those letters have lit our way home. 🌠 I shall hum the song of a lyrical friendship rekindled. Thank you, sweet Yassy. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you so very much. I feel I have come home at last. It’s a feeling I cherish. This bond of friendship and understanding that lights up the skies between us.

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