
A poem is a bridge between words and emotions. 
A poet walks that bridge.

127 thoughts on “grammaticī

      1. It’s been decades since Contract Bridge. Marines in the 5th and 7th regiments in Vietnam (I spent time with both) actually played a game they called Back Alley Bridge…with hands played differently in each regiment. More like Spades on Steroids with bidding for tricks in whichever suit the bid-winner named. On or over those Miami waters, m’dear. And, of course, which Miami: here in Floh-rid-did-ya or the one in OhIo?

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  1. Money

    Without money people are powerless I’ve had a few that have come through to me who tried to seduce me through the love and charm yet they have a woman on the on the arm. I think there they can catch me when they have a woman that they supposedly love. What is love love is devotion to the person you love and that you will stick by them through thick and thin I will not cheat on them who cheats about the devil devil.As you are attracted to money power and greed without that you are nothing. saberina will not stand for injustice to his per people. So a star strong in the firm belief of faith or positivity compassion and understanding that the devil does not have because only thinks about is his pocket and his freedom to cheat on his wife and to get on with his business not with me shouting at me the light and he’s chose mean what I see and I see what I do not like to see it shows you the light of what you see that you are blinded to.

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  2. Love this, Yassy!!! Seems to me that Your bridge is an AMAZING, hand-woven, magical swaying bridge set between glorious mountains that overlook the most sparkling, playful uber wide rock-laden stream ever seen. There are rare breeds of birds and butterflies that swoop all round us as You draw us maps with Your words and emotions!!! Sending huge hugs Your way! Thank You!!! 🤗❤️🌀💖😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Kate.. love you sister buddy bestie 🤗 you say things that warms my heart no end.
      Your comment is laced with poetic beauty. So very generous , Kate. So good the heart that beats and the purity that your mind holds ❤️🤗💕

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      1. My sweetest bestie , so good to talk to you. All the grief or sorrow in my heart just melts away. Thank you for this deep bond that we share across the ether.

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