stars twinkle toe

singing lunar songs
silver dewdrops ballet on leaves
stars twinkle toe
moonlighting into dawn..

A very happy and safe 2018 to all my friends here.

54 thoughts on “stars twinkle toe

  1. Reading these short sweet lines made me want to run out and dance to the New Year Yassy, thatโ€™s the effect your words have on people, hypnotic poetry. I wish you a lovely New Year and keep mesmerizing us with your words of beauty and you soothing soul. You stay you cause you are wonderful. God bless youโค๏ธ

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are such a sweet guy. You fill my soul with warmth of true friendship, makes me teary, Jo. Thank you for being there. I have always liked talking to you because you are cool , I like your sense of humor. Love all your posts. You write with so much intellectual artistry .
      I wish you all that you dream of , stay safe. To you and to all beloved to you , a very happy and healthy and successful new year. God keep you in His warmth and grace.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh Yassy, you are living proof that there are Angels on Earth. Your friendship is invaluable and Iโ€™m lucky to have it, thank you for your warm wishes and the same back to you. Keep writing your magic for it can truly change some hearts in the world, if not the world.โค๏ธ

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What beautiful thoughts and poetry to take into the New Year yassy. I hope 2018 brings you much happiness and I look forward to reading your excellent words and poetry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s an honor to be read by the likes of you and everyone else here. I feel happy to be writing here. There is absolutely no pressure!
      Well, thank you for your wonderful wishes. I don’t want to miss your posts Davy !

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on richwrapper and commented:
    Yassy: I had found your email but, klutz and luddite-in-training that I yam, I unfound it three easily: this tickles me and I did want to tell you I go diligently into The Night of The Zebra Butterflies, but just one appeared and it looketh not so I have only six or nineteen billion more flash cards to peruse. Sometime by August, perhaps. In the timemean, I will pursue.

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