twilight rain

twilight rain–

wets the stardust 

in my eyes…..

53 thoughts on “twilight rain

  1. twilight pain
    where are my glasses
    wont do that again
    stardust in your eyes
    not twilight rain that wets them
    tis your tears… your pride
    raise your head… look
    stardust twinkling… copying tears
    proud tears… yours…
    come dawn save that dust
    twilight rain has welted
    treasure you pride
    now your eyes open
    shout out to the world… rejoice
    proud woman… my muse

    Liked by 3 people

      1. A shout out for you
        Precious Lady, my muse
        Y A S M I N !
        A poet whose words
        Can heal open wounds
        Mend confused minds
        Her heart you’ll find
        In her every line
        Her passion defined
        Y A S M I N !

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Past cool, through cryogenic and back to boiling fumes from transstellar emanations. Glad I made time to take in a slight tour of your imagination…and what can be said about Mick? Man volleys verses in tune and in time and in tempo. A craftsman’s nod to a craftslady…and I get to sit and watch in tickled awe.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 😂 ha ha ha you , Brucey. You cool! I am in much awe of you two gentlemen, you and Mr.Mick. I lol watch in awe , awestruck , you two are a sweetsome, i hope there is a word like that. What’s cooking in Bruce’s kitschy?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely none other than you. All else know J is wrapped fishly if not richly – the first paper at which I played – who could call ripping off AP and UPI “wire” ribbons and learning to read the code and learning how to read upside down and backwards in lead type on the last perhaps linotype machine in Florida work? – was uneuphumistically called “The Mullet Wrapper” and RichWrapper was the appellation given to me for a sports column I fashined for dependent kids’ sports and some Marine sports at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station on Oahu in the late 1960s and the title sort of stuck through Rich Wrappings and other iterations. But if you must Brucify me please remember to baste well before turning and always serve with sauce on the side and not on the bird.

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